Gaslight Reserve

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Gaslight Reserve

#1 Post by rdonnay »

We have waited a long time for this vintage, 230 years to be exact.

The year 1787 commemorated the signing of the United States Constitution.
The year 2017 commemorated the innauguration of Donald Trump.

This vintage will go down in history as the worst ever bottled in America.

Read my review: ... review.htm
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Re: Gaslight Reserve

#2 Post by pauld »

Trump: Making Americans drink since 2016

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Re: Gaslight Reserve

#3 Post by Tom »

Maybe it can be used better as an injection.

Congratulations to this great man you've endured for a year now. We know how this feels (for a little longer).
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Re: Gaslight Reserve

#4 Post by rdonnay »

Tom -

You, more than any other person I have met (outside America), understands the horrors of human folly and Europe's dark past. There are African Americans and Native Americans here in America who also understand America's dark past.

Unfortunately, there are not enough of us who truly understand what "greatness" means. Trump talks about this as though he is the only one who can bring back greatness to America.

Greatness comes when a leader responds to an existential crisis in a way that truly changes the world. Winston Churchill was a flawed man in many ways. He made many poor tactical decisions in WWI and WWII. Yet he is remembered as a great man. Why? Because his most important decisions were made when his country was in the most peril - their "Darkest Hours".

Franklin Roosevelt's greatness was in the way he prepared his country to conduct itself after the war, not during the war.

Before 1941, much of the world saw America as the great hope for individual freedom and opportunity. After 1945, much of the world saw America as the great hope for world peace. Why? Because America did not celebrate its victory in the same way that victories have been celebrated throughout history, by engorging in the spoils of war and new captured territories. America celebrated its victory by offering the world a new definition of how to wage peace. By rebuilding the war-torn countries and by encouraging creation of strong world defense organizations such as NATO, SEATO and the United Nations, America proved to the world that it can provide the leadership to discourage the forces that want world domination by dictatorship and totalitarianism. By creating the strongest Army, Air Force and Navy in the world, and only using it for maintaining the peace, America continued to show the world that they had no reason to fear it but only to respect it.

In the book "The Mantle of Command", the author made a strong case that FDR's ultimate goal from day one was not to win the war, but to win the peace. He was able to convince Churchill that it was in the interest of world peace for England to divest itself of its colonies. Unfortunately, he did not live long enough to also convince deGaulle that France should divest itself of its colonies. One of those colonies was Vietnam. And so, America was dragged into another foreign war for which many Americans and Vietnamese paid dearly.

Trump thinks that greatness has something to do with wealth and power. - Sad
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Re: Gaslight Reserve

#5 Post by Tom »

That's simply true.
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Re: Gaslight Reserve

#6 Post by bwolfsohn »

Well put, roger..

I disagree only in the sense that i feel russia was the country that "won the peace" and was able to throw up the iron curtain across eastern europe..
Brian Wolfsohn
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