2015 Spring Conference in Idaho, USA

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Re: 2015 Spring Conference in Idaho, USA

#61 Post by rdonnay »

Hi roger!

Im currently In Paris AND My flight to Seatle is canceled so I'm not comming. They offer me flight that arrive to boise Saturday evening AND its stupid to come only to one day, so i decide to go back home. Once again, I'm sorry

Br, goran

Poslano s mojeg iPhonea=
I received this email from Goran this morning.

Here was my response.

Goran -

If you are still in Paris and have an option to continuing to Boise, please come anyway.
Even if you get here on Saturday night, you can stay for 3 days and I will make sure that we can work together after the conference.
You will still be here for 1 day of the conference and the banquet dinner and 2 more days hanging out with me at my home.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

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