eXpress++ CHM file

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eXpress++ CHM file

#1 Post by rdonnay »

Here is the first eXpress.chm Help file.
Each new release will now include an updated version of this file.
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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#2 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

Is there something that is supposed to appear in the Index Tab. I do not see anything in this box, even if I type in something.

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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#3 Post by rdonnay »

My computer failed during the upload.
I'm connected via my tablet. I don't know the status.
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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#4 Post by rdonnay »

For some reason, the file gets corrupted when it is copied to the server. I think that antivirus is affecting it.

I zipped it and am attaching it here.
Let me know if it's ok.
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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#5 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

Tried with the new one. Still nothing under the index.
chm.jpg (27.83 KiB) Viewed 31986 times
Also in the for example the utilities section, multi-edit template, I get this and also saw it in other places.

Code: Select all

Template for Multi-Edit Professional Editor
EXPRESS.TPT is a template file for use with Multi-Edit,the programmer's editor. It contains templates for all eXPress++ commands and functions.<br><br> Just copy EXPRESS.TPT to your \MEW\CONFIG directory or whichever directory contains your Multi-Edit templates.<br><br> When Multi-Edit is configured for "Space-Bar Expansion" of a template, you can easily bring a template for any eXPress++ command into the text you are editing by typing the keyword for the command followed immediately by a SPACE.<br><br> For example, if you are not sure of the syntax of the DCTABPAGE command, simply type DCTABPAGE<space>. The following will be inserted into your text:<br><br> @ <nSRow>,<nSCol> DCTABPAGE <oGroup> ; [SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight>] ; [TYPE <nType>] ; [TABHEIGHT <nTabH>] ; [PREOFFSET <nPre>] ; [POSTOFFSET <nPost>] ; [PARENT <oParent>] ; [GROUP <nGroup>] ; [CAPTION <cText>] ; [CARGO <xCargo>] ; [MESSAGE <cMsg>] ; [HELPCODE <cHelpCode>] ; [COLOR <ncColor> [,<ncDisabled>] ] ; [WHEN <bWhen>] ; [FONT <cFont>] ; [HIDE <bHide>] ; [VALID <bValid>] ; [<p: PIXEL>] ; [TOOLTIP <cToolTip>] ; [CURSOR <nCursor>] ; [RELATIVE <oRel>] ; [EVAL <bEval>] ; [DATALINK <bDataLink>] ; [ ID <cId> ] 
I appears that some of the html coding is not working the <br><br> items

Another sample:

Code: Select all

Create a GROUP object for displaying with GUI reader
The command @..DCGROUP creates a new Group object and adds the object to the array named GETLIST which is later processed by the DC_READGUI() function or by the DCREAD GUI command. The GETLIST array must be first declared and initialized to the value of {}. The command DCREAD GUI activates the edit mode for all objects found in the GetList array. A Getlist object remains stored as long as it is referenced in an array or by a variable. The commands CLEAR and CLEAR GETS assign an empty array to the GetList variable. This also occurs after the completion of the DCREAD command if it is called without the SAVE option, causing all Get objects referenced by the GetList array to be released. <br><br> A "Group" object is used to group other objects together, for example, Radio-Buttons must be part of a group to function properly as a set. A "Group" object is also used to draw a box around a set of objects and provide a means to reference all the objects to the home position 0,0 of the group.<br><br> @..DCGROUP objects can be combined with any objects that that use the DCDIALOG system, such as @..DCSAY..GET, @..DCRADIO, @..DCPUSHBUTTON or @..DCMULTILINE.<br><br> 
@ <nSRow>,<nSCol> DCGROUP <oGroup> ;
    [BOX <cBox>] ;
    [SIZE <nWidth>, <nHeight>] ;
    [PARENT <oParent>] ;
    [PARENTID <cParentId>] ;
    [CAPTION <cText>] ;
    [WHEN <bWhen>] ;
    [HIDE <bHide>] ;
    [FONT <bocFont>] ;
    [MESSAGE <bcMsg> [INTO <oMsgBox>]] ;  
    [COLOR <bncFgC> [,<ncBgC>] ] ;
    [HELPCODE <cHelpCode>] ;
    [PRESENTATION <aPres>] ;
    [PIXEL] ;
    [TOOLTIP <bcToolTip>] ;
    [CURSOR <naCursor>] ;
    [CARGO <xCargo>] ;
    [PREEVAL <bPreEval>] ;
    [EVAL <bEval>] ;
    [RELATIVE <oRel>] ;
    [ID <cId>] ;
    [TITLE <cTitle>] ;
    [ACCELKEY <anAccel>] ;
    [GOTFOCUS <bGotFocus>] ;
    [LOSTFOCUS <bLostFocus>] ;
    [TABSTOP]  ;
    [TABGROUP <nTabGroup>] ;
    [GROUP <cGroup>] ;
    [VISIBLE] ;
    [RESIZE <aResize> [SCALEFONT] ] ;
    [DRAG <bDrag> [DIALOG <bDD>] ;
    [DROP <bDrop> [CURSOR <nDropCursor>] ;
    [SUBCLASS <cSubClass>]

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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#6 Post by rdonnay »

I didn't understand what you were saying.

I haven't created the index yet.
I'm still learning how to do that.
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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#7 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

Okay, I just thought it was missing.

As for the 2 code/fragments.

It is not formatting correctly. You <br><br> should be showing up as paragraph breaks and they are not. Maybe that was just the import from the hlp file and something you will need to housekeep in the chm file.

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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#8 Post by rdonnay »

Maybe that was just the import from the hlp file and something you will need to housekeep in the chm file

I didn't do a conversion from the HLP file. Instead, I wrote the source from scratch. I modified XDOC.EXE to write out HtmlHelp code. I know that there are some places that need fixing. I will go thru all the screens eventually and fix them.

Now I need to modify XDOC.EXE again to write out the index file.
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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#9 Post by rdonnay »

Here is my first attempt at building an index and search capability.
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Re: eXpress++ CHM file

#10 Post by rdonnay »

I don't understand what's wrong with @ DCGROUP. It looks fine to me.

I fixed the Multi-Edit issue.
Attached is an updated EXPRESS.CHM with a better index and search.
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