I read imprtant information about using more than one core of processor.
I want examine this :
I want run application and run "some" process, this run several minutes. After it I start other process, also several minutes... Each process generate report.
Very simple is on 4 core PC run application 4 times, and work simultaneously. If I run each of application on other core, this spare me time, and I can do same job for 1/4 of time.
This is not very comfortable...
I want test this :
Make "main" application, run it on core 1, and from it run other 4 external application, each on other core.
(1,2,3,4) Settings parameters for each from 4 paralell processes I can controlling from "main" application.
Because external application run with Runshell, I can not good control it, then I must make some system to get, read information about status of each running process. For it I want use for example one database, where every external application write status of running process, (% of processing, or only Running, Ready...)
I know, it is not very good solution, but better for user, because he see all on one "window", do not need switch between windows .
Screen main application can look like this :
buttons :
Process 1 Process 2 Process 3 Process 4
running ready ready free
On 8 core PC this button can be 8
Also this "buttons can be hide, and system only controlled processes , distributes them to cores , and user added entry to batch.
In shared database user can see, what process is finish, what running, what waiting to run.
Can this work ???