Issue with MESSAGE INTO Xbase 2.0 vs 1.9

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Cliff Wiernik
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Issue with MESSAGE INTO Xbase 2.0 vs 1.9

#1 Post by Cliff Wiernik »

I have noticed this in my testing of Xbase 2.0 vs 1.9. I use the standard way of doing MESSAGE INTO on the main application desktop into the bottom status bar issue. I never had any problems with 1.9 and prior. I have a manifest file in use. Each menu option has a message that displays in the bottom status bar message area. Normal behavior is as each menu option is moved over with the mouse, the message changes, replacing the previous message. Sometimes, not always, I see the attached behavior where each message writes over the previous messages, showing the union of all the message. It stays way until you move off the application to another where it repaints itself and it goes away.

I do not know yet what is triggering it, but it is somethiing I have noticed as a sporadic issue with Xbase 2.0.

Has anyone else experienced this.
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Re: Issue with MESSAGE INTO Xbase 2.0 vs 1.9

#2 Post by rdonnay »

I will create a test program and figure out a solution for build 263.
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