I would have suspected that those keys would do the same if my theory is correct.I also noticed that 'up' or 'down' key pressed for few seconds, do the same. But only in network environment.
Apparently, it is taking too long to load the array with information from the database when accessing via the network.
This would likely cause the event queue to fill up.
Try adding the following code to the top of METHOD XbpOwnerDrawBrowseGeneric:customDrawCell( oPS, aInfo ) in OWNERGEN.PRG.
Code: Select all
IF !::lOwnerDraw // ownerdrawing is switched off, let the system draw
// <<<<<<< start
nEvent := NextAppEvent(@mp1,@mp2,@oXbp)
IF nEvent == xbeM_Wheel
ELSEIF nEvent == xbeP_Keyboard .AND. mp1 $ { xbeK_UP, xbeK_DOWN }
// <<<<<<<< end