SSL support for http

Xbase++ 2.0 Build 554 or later
Zdeno Bielik
Posts: 147
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Location: Nitra, Slovakia

SSL support for http

#1 Post by Zdeno Bielik »

Hi Roger,,

please, how is it possible do „secure“ version of example below?
Instead of http protocol there must be used httpS version.
I need process sensitive data, e.g. name, eMail, address – I think this rule/regulation is not only in our country.

Next info I found in Alaska’s Xbase++ doc:

By default, websocket communication is unencrypted. However, the WebsocketClient class also supports establishing connections encrypted via a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). For this, 443 must be specified as the port number when creating the websocket client object via the method :new().

So, I searched on internet and found also free or trial version of SSL certificates – for first tests or basic security it is OK...
and all certificates/organizations are officially supported in Windows like accepted authorities too! - FREE - 30-day trial - 30-day trial

TIA & Regards

Code: Select all

METHOD Cxp:TestRegister

Local cRemoteIP := ::HttpRequest:GetVariable("REMOTE_ADDR")
Local nPos      := 0
Local cHtml := ''
Local i
Local aItems
Local cErrorMessage := ''
Local oForm
Local lSendForm := .T.
Local aVars
Local n, nMax
Local cLabel, cValue, nMaxSize, cVarName, cText
Local nPCount := 0
Local cGQC    := IIf( ( nPCount != 0 ), ::httpRequest:getQueryString(), '' )
Local aRet, aLog, lError
* Local cPath  := ( CurDrive() + ':\' + CurDir()  + '\' )
Local aUser := {}
Local oMySession
Local cTxtKosik
Local cCWN


cHtml += '<html>' + CRLF
cHtml += '<head>' + CRLF
cHtml += '<meta content="text/html; charset=windows-1250" http-equiv="content-type">' + CRLF
* cHtml += '<!--- <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5"> --->' + CRLF
* cHtml += '<style type="text/css">' ;
cHtml += '<style> ' ;
      +  'body {font-family:Segoe UI,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;' ;
      +  'font-size:16px;' ;
      +  '}' ;
      + '</style>' + CRLF
cHtml += '</head>' + CRLF

cHtml += '<body>' + CRLF


* cHtml += '<table border="1" style="width:100%">' + CRLF
cHtml += '<table border="0">' + CRLF
cHtml += '  <tr>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/index.html">' + myLangMsg( MSG_HOME ) + '</a></td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td>|</td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/program">' + myLangMsg( MSG_PROGRAM ) + '</a></td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td>|</td>' + CRLF

If ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerName' ) == NIL .or. Empty( ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerName' ) ) .or. ( ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerName' ) == '(nikto)' )
   cHtml += '    <td>' + myLangMsg( MSG_LOGGED ) + ': <b>Nikto</b></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/LogIn">' + myLangMsg( MSG_LOGIN ) + '</a></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/TestRegister">' + 'TEST-Reg' + '</a></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '    <td>|</td>' + CRLF
   aUser := { ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerICO'   ), ;
              ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerLogIn' ), ;
              ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerName'  ), ;
              ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerWebNo' )  ;
   ::MySetValue( 'dDateAction', Date() )
   ::MySetValue( 'cTimeAction', Time() )
   UpdateUziv( @::cPath, ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerLogIn' ) )
   cHtml += '    <td>' + myLangMsg( MSG_LOGIN ) + ': <b>' + Var2Char( ConvToAnsiCP( aUser[3] ) ) + '</b></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/LogOut">' + myLangMsg( MSG_LOGOUT ) + '</a></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '    <td>|</td>' + CRLF

cTxtKosik := IIf( Empty( ::MyGetValue( 'nSumKosik' ) ), ;
                       '', ;
                       ( ' <b>' + AS( Len( ::MyGetValue( 'aKosik' ) ) ) + ' ks</b> za ' ;
                       + '<b>' + AllTrim( Str( ::MyGetValue( 'nSumKosik' ), 12, 2 ) ) + ',- EUR</b>' ) ;

cHtml += '<table border="0">' + CRLF
cHtml += '  <tr>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/index.html">Home</a></td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td>|</td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/program">Program</a></td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td>|</td>' + CRLF

   cHtml += '    <td>Logged: <b>None</b></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/LogIn">Login</a></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '    <td>|</td>' + CRLF

cTxtKosik := ''

* cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/kosik">' + myLangMsg( MSG_BASKET ) + '</a> ' +  cTxtKosik +  '</td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '    <td><a href = "/cxp/kosik">' + 'Basket' + '</a> ' +  cTxtKosik +  '</td>' + CRLF

cHtml += '  </tr>' + CRLF
cHtml += '</table>' + CRLF

cHtml += '</br>' + CRLF


oForm := TestMyRegister():new()
aVars := oForm:getAllVars(::httpRequest:form)

// 1-label, 2-value, 3-maxsize, 4-varname, 5-text
aItems := { ;
 { 'Login',oForm:login,15,'login','' }, ;
 { 'Password',oForm:password,15,'password','' }, ;
 { 'Password (again)',oForm:rpassword,15,'rpassword','' }, ;
 { 'Surname',oForm:priezvisko,30,'priezvisko',''}, ;
 { 'Name',oForm:meno,30,'meno',''}, ;
 { 'Street',oForm:ulica,30,'ulica',''}, ;
 { 'ZIP',oForm:psc,5,'psc',''}, ;
 { 'City',oForm:obec,30,'obec',''}, ;
 { 'eMail',oForm:email,30,'email','' }, ;
 { 'Phone',oForm:telefon,15,'telefon','' }, ;
 { 'Mobil Phone',oForm:mobil,15,'mobil','' }, ;
 { 'Accepting <a href = "/cxp/vop" target="_blank">business conditions</a>',oForm:suhlas,1,'suhlas','' }  ;

cErrorMessage := ''
lSendForm := TestRegisterValidateVars(@aItems,@cErrorMessage)

cHtml += '<span style="color: red;">' ;
      +  '<small>' + Var2Char(cErrorMessage) + '</small>';
      +  '</span>' + BRCRLF

If lSendForm

   cHtml += '<form action="/cxp/testregister?submit" method="GET">' + CRLF

   cHtml += '<table border="0">' + CRLF

   nMax := Len( aItems )
*    // 1-label, 2-value, 3-maxsize, 4-varname, 5-text
   For n := 1 To nMax
        cLabel   := aItems[n,1]
        cValue   := aItems[n,2]
        nMaxSize := aItems[n,3]
        cVarName := aItems[n,4]
        cText    := aItems[n,5]
        cHtml += '<tr>' + CRLF

           cHtml += '<td align=right width=140>'+ cLabel + ':</td>' + CRLF
           cHtml += '<td style="color:red"><small>' + CRLF

           If ( n == 2 ) .or. ( n == 3 )
               If Empty( aItems[n,2] )
                  cHtml += '<input type="password"                        name="' + cVarName + '" size=' + AS(nMaxSize) + ' maxlength=' + AS(nMaxSize) + '>' + cText + CRLF
                  cHtml += '<input type="password" value="' + cValue + '" name="' + cVarName + '" size=' + AS(nMaxSize) + ' maxlength=' + AS(nMaxSize) + '>' + cText + CRLF
           ElseIf ( n == 12 )
               cHtml += '<input type="checkbox" name="' + cVarName + '" value="A">' + cText + CRLF
               If Empty( aItems[n,2] )
                  cHtml += '<input type=text                        name="' + cVarName + '" size=' + AS(nMaxSize) + ' maxlength=' + AS(nMaxSize) + '>' + cText + CRLF
                  cHtml += '<input type=text value="' + cValue + '" name="' + cVarName + '" size=' + AS(nMaxSize) + ' maxlength=' + AS(nMaxSize) + '>' + cText + CRLF

           cHtml += '</small></td>' + CRLF
       cHtml += '</tr>' + CRLF

       If n==3 .or. n==11
           cHtml += '<tr>' + CRLF
              cHtml += '<td align=right width=140><br></td>' + CRLF
           cHtml += '</tr>' + CRLF


   cHtml += '<tr>' + CRLF
      cHtml += '<td align=right width=140><br></td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '</tr>' + CRLF

   cHtml += '<tr>' + CRLF
      cHtml += '<td align=right width=140>' + CRLF
          cHtml += '<input type="submit" value="Potvrï">' + CRLF
      cHtml += '</td>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '</tr>' + CRLF

   cHtml += '</table>' + CRLF

   cHtml += '</form>' + CRLF

   cHtml += '</br>' + CRLF


   cHtml += '</br>' + CRLF

   cHtml += '<a href = "/cxp/register">New registration</a>' + CRLF
   cHtml += '|' + CRLF
   cHtml += '<a href = "/cxp/lostpassword">Lost password</a>' + CRLF


*    cHtml += 'OK, form validated, we can continue...' + '</br>' + CRLF

   aRet := {}
   aLog := {}
*    lError := SaveReg(@aItems,@cErrorMessage,@aRet,@aLog,::cPath)
   lError := .F.

   If ! lError

   If lError
      cHtml += Var2Char(cErrorMessage) + '<BR>' + CRLF
*        cHtml += PridajEmail( aLog[2] /*ICO*/, aItems[9,2] /*eMail*/, ::cPath, cRemoteIP, ::MyGetValue( 'cCustomerWebNo' ), ::MyGetValue( 'lSK' ) )


cHtml += '<br>' + CRLF

cHtml += '<hr>' + CRLF

cHtml += '<small>'+ CRLF
cHtml += '<td>Your IP address: ' + cRemoteIP + '</td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '<td>|</td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '<td><a href = "/cxp/LogIn">Your history</a></td>' + CRLF
cHtml += '</small>'+ CRLF

cHtml += '</body>' + CRLF
cHtml += '</html>' + CRLF




CLASS TestMyRegister

VAR cPath

VAR login
VAR password
VAR rpassword

VAR priezvisko
VAR meno
VAR ulica
VAR psc
VAR obec
VAR email
VAR telefon
VAR mobil

VAR suhlas
VAR wid

LOCAL aVars, i
aVars := ::classdescribe()[3]
FOR i := 1 TO Len(aVars)
  ::&(aVars[i,1]) := ''
* ---------

INLINE METHOD getAllVars(oForm)
LOCAL aVars, i, c
aVars := ::classdescribe()[3]
FOR i := 1 TO Len(aVars)
  aVars[i,1] := Lower(aVars[i,1])
  aVars[i,2] := oForm:&(aVars[i,1])
  ::&(aVars[i,1]) := aVars[i,2]
  aVars[i,3] := ''
* ASort(aVars,,,{|a,b|a[1]<b[1]})


Static FUNCTION TestRegisterValidateVars(aVars,cErrorMessage)

LOCAL i, cVarName, cValue, lError := .f.
Local cTmpPassword  := '*'
Local cTmpRPassword := '*'

* cErrorMessage := ''

* wtf aVars

priezvisko, meno, email, login, password, rpassword,
1-label, 2-value, 3-maxsize, 4-varname, 5-text

FOR i := 1 TO Len(aVars)
    cVarName := aVars[i,4]
    cValue   := AllTrim(aVars[i,2])
    If     cVarName == 'password'
       cTmpPassword  := cValue
    ElseIf cVarName == 'rpassword'
       cTmpRPassword := cValue
    IF cVarName $ {'login','password','rpassword','priezvisko','meno','ulica','psc','obec','email',/*'telefon',*/'mobil','suhlas'} .AND. Empty(cValue)
       aVars[i,5] := ' ***'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'login' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 6 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Prihlasovacie meno musí ma minimálne 6 znakov'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'login' .AND. NachadzaSaMedzera( cValue )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Prihlasovacie meno nesmie obsahova medzeru!'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'password' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 6 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Heslo musí ma minimálne 6 znakov'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'password' .AND. NachadzaSaMedzera( cValue )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Heslo nesmie obsahova medzeru!'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'rpassword' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 6 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Heslo musí ma minimálne 6 znakov'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'rpassword' .AND. NachadzaSaMedzera( cValue )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Heslo nesmie obsahova medzeru!'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'priezvisko' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 2 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Priezvizko musi mat minimalne 2 znaky'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'meno' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 2 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Meno musí ma minimálne 2 znaky'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'ulica' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 2 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Ulica musí ma minimálne 2 znaky'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'psc' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 2 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Ulica musí ma 5 znakov'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'obec' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 2 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' Obec musí ma minimálne 2 znaky'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'email' .AND. !('@'$cValue)
       aVars[i,5] := ' eMail musí obsahova znak "@"!'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'email' .AND. !('.'$cValue)
       aVars[i,5] := ' eMail musí obsahova znak "."!'
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'email' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 6 )
       aVars[i,5] := ' eMail musí obsahova aspoò 6 znakov!' /*+ Str(Len(cValue))*/
       lError := .t.
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'email' .AND. NachadzaSaMedzera( cValue )
       aVars[i,5] := ' eMail nesmie obsahova medzeru!'
       lError := .t.
*     ELSEIF cVarName = 'telefon' .AND. (Len(cValue) < 10 )
*        aVars[i,5] := ' Telefón musí ma minimálne 10 znakov! '
    ELSEIF cVarName = 'mobil' .AND. ! TvarMobCis(cValue)
       aVars[i,5] := ' Telefónne èíslo musí ma 11 znakov a tvar 09xx-xxxxxx!'
       lError := .t.

    ELSEIF cVarName = 'suhlas' .AND. !(Upper(cValue)$'AÁ')
       aVars[i,5] := ' Povolená hodnota je A alebo Á!'
       lError := .t.

       aVars[i,5] := ' '

If ! Empty( cTmpPassword ) .and. ! Empty( cTmpRPassword )
   If ! ( cTmpPassword == cTmpRPassword )
*       cErrorMessage := ' Heslá sa nerovnajú !'
      cErrorMessage := ' Passwords are NOT the same!'

IF lError
   cErrorMessage += ' Položky oznaèené *** musia by vyplnené!'
*    cErrorMessage += ''
   cErrorMessage := ''


* ---------

Function NachadzaSaMedzera( _cText )

Local lRet := .F.

If ( At( " ", _cText ) > 0 )
   lRet := .T.

Return ( lRet )


Function TvarMobCis( _cTC )

Local lRet := .T.

If ( Len( _cTC ) != 11 )    && 09xx-123456
   lRet := .F.
If ! OnlyDigit( SubStr( _cTC, 1, 4 ) )
   lRet := .F.
If ! ( SubStr( _cTC, 5, 1 ) == '-' )
   lRet := .F.
If ! OnlyDigit( SubStr( _cTC, 6, 6 ) )
   lRet := .F.

Return ( lRet )


Function OnlyDigit( _cText )

Local cChar := ''
Local ix, nMax := Len( _cText )
Local lTemp := .T.
* wtf _cText

For ix := 1 To nMax
    If ! IsDigit( SubStr( _cText, ix, 1 ) )
       lTemp := .F.
       ix := nMax

Return ( lTemp )


Function IsDigit( _cChar )

Local nAsc := Asc( _cChar )
* wtf nAsc

If ( nAsc >= 48 ) .and. ( nAsc <= 57 )   && 0..9
   Return ( .T. )

If ( _cChar == '.' )
   Return ( .T. )

Return ( .F. )

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Re: SSL support for http

#2 Post by rdonnay »

please, how is it possible do „secure“ version of example below?
httpEndPoint supports SSL but it does not yet support certificates (according to Steffen Pirsig).

Until it does, you will need to use STUNNEL as a workaround.

I am using this on 2 different servers.

Even Xb2.Net SSL requires STUNNEL.

I wrote a detailed document on how to do this.

Look at \expd20\stunnel.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

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Re: SSL support for http

#3 Post by Zdeno Bielik »


ok, thanks for tip. Anyway, somewhere I do mistake...
I downloaded latest stunnel and instaling it.
Then I created stunnel.pem with selfsign.bat and starting stunel.

I tried run https://pc05025/cxp/testregister , but without success.
Note: http://pc05025/cxp/testregister works OK.

So, I changed cHost to https, but still without success.
DEFAULT cHost := "http://" + GetEnv('Computername')
cHost := "https://" + GetEnv('Computername')
Note: http://pc05025/cxp/testregister still worked OK.

just see atached images

Please, what do I do wrong?

p.s. please, have you any info, when certificates will be supported?

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Re: SSL support for http

#4 Post by rdonnay »

Stunnel re-routes calls to port 443 to port 80.

You still need to start your httpEndPoint using port 80.

You also need to start Stunnel.exe.
p.s. please, have you any info, when certificates will be supported?
You should try to come to the European Devcon in November.
Steffen will answer all your questions.

I am not a spokesman for Alaska Software.
I only relay information as I here it.
Steffen has made no announcments, however he implied that there will be many more improvements to Xbase++ internet technologies before the devcon.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

Zdeno Bielik
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Re: SSL support for http

#5 Post by Zdeno Bielik »

Hi Roger,

hmmm, stunnel.exe is running and I have no problem sending e.g. eMails via it with Gmail account – see attached image.
But I still can’t figure out how to configure stunnel.conf or call index.html page that it accepts https/ssl protocol.

Please, can you look at it – many thanks.

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Re: SSL support for http

#6 Post by rdonnay »

But I still can’t figure out how to configure stunnel.conf or call index.html page that it accepts https/ssl protocol.
Does the server fail to respond to the https request or is the browser complaining that there is no certificate?
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

Zdeno Bielik
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Re: SSL support for http

#7 Post by Zdeno Bielik »

Does the server fail to respond to the https request...
I think this is true - may be I am wrong:

this works for me:

this does not work:

it just still trying connect/show/load that pages, but without success – see attached image

... or is the browser complaining that there is no certificate?
There is no error/info about missing cetificate when I try open https version.
I have only self-signed certificate. This generated PEM file is not possible import into windows’s certificate repository.
Have I obtain any signed certificate from trusted CA for tests with CxpHttpServer on local computer too?
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Zdeno Bielik
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Re: SSL support for http

#8 Post by Zdeno Bielik »


after re-reading documentation, it looks, if we want have secure communications,
there must be also implemented WebSocketHandler() and WebSocketClient().
If it is true, please, I kindly ask you, can you add this support into your CxpHttpServer example?
Many thanks.


HttpEndpoint() -An object of the class HttpEndpoint serves as a connection point for incoming HTTP or WebSocket connections.

WebHandler() - On web connections the class HttpEndpoint instantiates objects from user defined classes that must be derived from the class WebHandler. Those sub classes implement methods being called to serve the request.

WebSocketHandler() - WebsocketHandler is an abstract class which must be used to implement the handlers for websocket endpoints. To do this, a user-defined handler class derived from the class WebSocketHandler must be implemented that overloads the abstract methods :onText(), :onBinary(), :onConnect() and :onDisconnect().

On incoming websocket connections via the class HttpEndpoint an object of the user-defined handler class is instantiated to service the requests from the client. For this the methods :sendText() and :sendBinary() can be used to send messages to the connected client.

WebSocketClient() - Use the WebSocketClient class to implement the client of a websocket connection. A user-defined websocket client is derived from the class WebSocketClient and implements the methods ::onConnect(), :onDisconnect(), :onText() and :onBinary().

The example below demonstrates the implementation of the client side of a websocket connection. Refer to the example of WebSocketHandler() to see the implementation of the server side.

By default, websocket communication is unencrypted. However, the WebsocketClient class also supports establishing connections encrypted via a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). For this, 443 must be specified as the port number when creating the websocket client object via the method :new().

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Re: SSL support for http

#9 Post by rdonnay »

Zdeno -

I have a deadline for another project I am working on this week.
I will get to it in a few days.

The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.

Zdeno Bielik
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Re: SSL support for http

#10 Post by Zdeno Bielik »


ok, super! Many thanks for now.


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