Example for change menu system from Xbpmenu to eXpress DC...

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Example for change menu system from Xbpmenu to eXpress DC...

#1 Post by Victorio »


I tried create menu by Xbase example childwin, which use Xbpmenu.

My questions :
1. How can I change font in this example ?
2. Is possible in XBPMENU vertical title so as eXpress OWNERDRAW parameter ?
3. How can I modify this example childwin to using eXpress DCMENU ?
I want call menu same as in example from Appsys() with AppMenu(oDlg:menuBar())
I still have error duplicate declararion oMenuBar in AppMenu function that is made with

Here is source code childwin :

// Copyright:
// Alaska Software, (c) 1997-2009. All rights reserved.
// Contents:
// The program demonstrates how to define or change parent-child
// relationships between windows (XbaseParts).

#include "Appevent.ch"
#include "Common.ch"
#include "Font.ch"
#include "Gra.ch"
#include "Xbp.ch"

* Define an XbpDialog window as application window
LOCAL oDlg, aPos[2], aSize

aSize := SetAppWindow():currentSize()

* toto je pozícia, kde sa umiestni okno, teda lavy dolny roh
* teda vypočítané ako 0.1 z aSize ktoré je zase zistené cez currentSize
aPos[1] := 0.05 * aSize[1]
aPos[2] := 0.05 * aSize[2]

* pokus o úpravu veľkosti, lebo tu je napevno nastavena velkost
* vyssie currentsize je pouzite iba pre vypocet pozicie umiestnenia okna
*aSize[1] := 640
*aSize[2] := 400

* tu nastavujem, zeby sa zobrazilo okno o velkosti 0,9 x max. rozmer okna
*aSize[1] := aSize[1]*0.9
*aSize[2] := aSize[2]*0.9

* tu je priklad ak sa zobrazi na celu plochu obrazovky, ale pozor,
* treba upravit aj umiestnenie okna
*aSize[1] := aSize[1]*1
*aSize[2] := aSize[2]*1

* teda lepsie bude nie cela plocha, pripadne pozicia dole vyssie ako je lista
aSize[1] := aSize[1]*0.95
aSize[2] := aSize[2]*0.95

oDlg := XbpDialog():new( ,, aPos, aSize )
oDlg:title := "MDI window"
oDlg:taskList := .T.
oDlg:close := {|| PostAppEvent( xbeP_Quit ) }
oDlg:drawingArea:setFontCompoundName( FONT_HELV_SMALL )

AppMenu( oDlg:menuBar() )

SetAppWindow( oDlg )
SetAppFocus( oDlg )

* Menu must exist in the MDI application window
PROCEDURE AppMenu( oMenuBar )
LOCAL oMenu := XbpMenu():new( oMenuBar )
oMenu:title := "Application"

oMenu:addItem( { "Quit", {|| PostAppEvent( xbeP_Quit ) } } )

oMenuBar:addItem( { oMenu, } )

* Create pushbuttons in the application window

LOCAL nEvent := NIL, mp1 := NIL, mp2 := NIL, oXbp := NIL, drawingArea

* Since the window will contain child windows, :clipSiblings
* must be set .T. (Child windows are siblings of the pushbuttons)
drawingArea := SetAppWindow():drawingArea
oXbp := XbpPushbutton():new( drawingArea ,,{12,12}, {100,30} )
oXbp:caption := ":create()"
oXbp:clipSiblings := .T.
oXbp:activate := {|| CreateChildWindow() }

oXbp := XbpPushbutton():new( drawingArea ,,{124,12}, {100,30} )
oXbp:caption := "Quit"
oXbp:clipSiblings := .T.
oXbp:activate := {|| PostAppEvent( xbeP_Quit ) }

DO WHILE nEvent <> xbeP_Quit
nEvent := AppEvent( @mp1, @mp2, @oXbp )
oXbp:handleEvent( nEvent, mp1, mp2 )


* Create a child window
PROCEDURE CreateChildWindow
STATIC snCount := 1
LOCAL oParent, oDlg
#ifdef __OS2__

* This program uses an XbpDialog window as application window.
* Therefore, the parent must be :drawingArea
oParent := SetAppWindow():drawingArea

oDlg := XbpDialog():new( oParent, , {48,48}, {240,180} )
oDlg:title := "Child window #" + Ltrim(Str( snCount++ ) )
oDlg:taskList := .F.
oDlg:close := {|mp1,mp2,obj| obj:destroy() }
oDLg:clipSiblings := .T.
oDlg:drawingArea:setFontCompoundName( FONT_HELV_SMALL )

* Create pushbutton in the drawing area of the child window
#ifdef __OS2__
oParent := oDlg:drawingArea
oXbp := XbpPushbutton():new(oParent,,{12,12}, {100,30} )
oXbp:caption := "Toggle Parent"
oXbp:activate := {|mp1,mp2,obj| ToDesktop( obj ) }

* Move MDI child window to the desktop
PROCEDURE ToDesktop( oPushButton )
LOCAL oDlg, oParent

oPushButton:activate := {|mp1,mp2,obj| ToMDIwindow( obj ) }

* Determine the XbpDialog window which contains this pushbutton
* from the parent-child relationship
oDlg := oPushButton:setParent() // drawing area
oDlg := oDlg:setParent() // XbpDialog

* The desktop window becomes the parent
oParent := AppDesktop()
oDlg:setParent( oParent )
oDlg:setOwner( oParent )


* Move previous MDI child window back to application window
PROCEDURE ToMDIwindow( oPushButton )
LOCAL oDlg, oParent

oPushButton:activate := {|mp1,mp2,obj| ToDesktop( obj ) }

* Determine the XbpDialog window which contains this pushbutton
* from the parent-child relationship
oDlg := oPushButton:setParent() // drawing area
oDlg := oDlg:setParent() // XbpDialog

* The parent window is :drawingArea again
oParent := SetAppwindow():drawingArea
oDlg:setParent( oParent )
oDlg:setOwner( oParent )


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Re: Example for change menu system from Xbpmenu to eXpress D

#2 Post by Victorio »

.... problem is solved. I must delete command AppMenu, SetAppWindows, SetAppFocus and all modify to use DCxxx commands to create window, menu, toolbar...

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Example for change menu system from Xbpmenu to eXpress D

#3 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Maybe you fit option of the main menu organization, implemented in my system?


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