i have a problem and can't find a solution, perhaps you can help...
I want to have the Cursor not on the first position of a dcget (here on the second), but i can't reach the goal (perhaps i am just overworked...).
postappevent() is not a solution. I have some problems with your dc_readguitypeahead()-Solution, i try to work around. But therefor i need a solution for the cursor beeing not on the first position...
Here is my test code (the cursor should be behind the "A"):
Code: Select all
#include "dcdialog.ch"
#include "appevent.ch"
function Appsys()
return NIL
procedure main()
local getlist := {}, getoptions := {}, lRet, cName := "A ", oGet
@ 5, 5 DCGET cName OBJECT oGet // eval {|o| /*o:get:right()*/o:get:pos++, o:SetMarked({2,2}), dc_getrefresh(oGet) }
DCREAD GUI TO lRet OPTIONS getoptions ADDBUTTONS FIT EVAL {|o| oGet:get:pos++, oGet:SetMarked({2,2}), dc_getrefresh(oGet) }