dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

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dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#1 Post by bwolfsohn »

Has anyone had any success with dcprint on acrobat, win2pdf and windows 8 ??

we're having problems with windows 8 not opening the resulting file.
Brian Wolfsohn
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#2 Post by Auge_Ohr »

bwolfsohn wrote:we're having problems with windows 8 not opening the resulting file.
where do you search for it ;)
i always use full UNC Path since Win7 ... else you might find them in C:\USER\...\Virtualstore
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#3 Post by bwolfsohn »

Auge_Ohr wrote:
bwolfsohn wrote:we're having problems with windows 8 not opening the resulting file.
where do you search for it ;)
i always use full UNC Path since Win7 ... else you might find them in C:\USER\...\Virtualstore
It's not a problem in finding the file.. The file is exactly where is should be. same place as it is in windows 7, in a subdirectory under the exe. the file format is invalid. on win7, the pdf might be 3k, on windows 8, the file is over 100k. even if i try to open the file manually, it won't do it. error is: bad file format.

we can print using win2pdf as the default printer, but dcprint on acrobat to a file is not working for us.
Brian Wolfsohn
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#4 Post by bwolfsohn »

I installed the bullzip printer driver on my windows 8 machine, and using the following code, it works!!

IF fexists("bullzip.ovl")
DC_PrintPreviewAcrobatOpt( { 1, nil, '5', nil, nil, .f., 'Bullzip PDF Printer', 3 ,cLocalPath,.t.,.f.} )
DC_PrintPreviewAcrobatOpt( { 1, nil, '5', nil, nil, .f., 'Win2PDF', 3 ,cLocalPath,.t.,.f.} )

no other code changes were made...

pdf file is created automatically and, although the size is bigger than a win2pdf file, 5k vs 3k in my small test on windows 7, it is the proper format.

so, in summary, so far,

on windows8:
win2pdf works if the printer driver is set to be the default.
win2pdf is not working if the pdf is created automatically as a file. (same code works in windows 7 and prior)
bullzip works for automatically created files.

I'm not sure if this eliminates dcprint on acrobat as a potential part of the problem or not...
Brian Wolfsohn
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#5 Post by c-tec »

I use also Bullzip and works perfect. But I have still not found how to define the output filename. So I check the folder for a new bullzip file and rename it. This is not perfect, maybe someone knows here how to define the filename.
I use also QuickPDF, I think it is not complicated to convert a eXpress++ print output to QuickPDF, and is has a lot of interesting functions like encryption, barcode generating, scripting etc.
Rudolf Reinthaler
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#6 Post by bwolfsohn »

c-tec wrote:Hello,
I use also Bullzip and works perfect. But I have still not found how to define the output filename. So I check the folder for a new bullzip file and rename it.

I just use the temporary file name (i think) roger generates. the 8th parameter in

DC_PrintPreviewAcrobatOpt( { 1, nil, '5', nil, nil, .f., 'Bullzip PDF Printer', 3 ,cLocalPath,.t.,.f.} )

defines where the file goes. I don't bother renaming.

you can see the filename from dc_printerobject():cOutFile
Brian Wolfsohn
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#7 Post by bwolfsohn »

I spoke too soon...

Here's the latest results of my testing.

Windows 7:
dcprint on acrobat
win2pdf works. (test file size 37k)
builzip version 8 doesn't work. creates bad pdf. (test file size of same report 435k)

setting bullzip or win2pdf as default printer creates a readable pdf w/ no problems (not using dcprint on acrobat)

Windows 8:
dcprint on acrobat
win2pdf does not work.
builzip version 9 doesn't work.
both drivers create unreadable pdf's.

setting bullzip or win2pdf as default printer creates a readable pdf w/ no problems (not using dcprint on acrobat)

In summary, no problems using either printer driver as a default printer, but dcprint on acrobat doesn't work on windows 8 (either driver) or windows 7 bullzip driver.

Any suggestions ??
Brian Wolfsohn
Retired and traveling around the country to music festivals in my RV.
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#8 Post by Koverhage »

maybe your virus scanner ?

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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#9 Post by c-tec »

I use oPrinter:setPrintFile(cPDFFile) to set the output filename, but it does not work with Bullzip.
Rudolf Reinthaler
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Re: dcprint on acrobat and windows 8

#10 Post by bwolfsohn »

We now know exactly what the problem is !!!!!

If you watch carefully when a win2pdf file is created, the file size will go from (an example of an invoice we print)
0 bytes to 400+k bytes, and then down to 37k bytes. What is happening is that the file is being created as an .xps file with a .pdf extension, and then Win2PDF is converting it to a properly formatted .pdf file.

The last step is what fails on some machines. If you have one of these machines, and acrobat says it can't open the file, change the extension to .xps and double click on the file. On our machine, It opens up in an xps reader.

We've confirmed this on a windows 7 machine where the latest copy of win2pdf (version 7.5.13) fails.
When bullzip doesn't work, it is NOT the same problem.

for more information on this issue see:
http://www.sourcedaddy.com/windows-7/un ... ystem.html

We can't get our windows 8 machine to break (it wasn't working w/Win2PDF until yesterday afternoon, then it started working!!!) , so we're going to re-install windows 8 and see if we can duplicate this.
Brian Wolfsohn
Retired and traveling around the country to music festivals in my RV.
OOPS.. Corona Virus, so NOT traveling right now...
FB travel group: The Breadman Rises

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