Odd things happening

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Odd things happening

#1 Post by omni »

Roger (etal),

Do not really know how to classify this, so thought I would just get down to the problem.

We have a user that has no problems on his server with local work stations. When users connect remotely, via the server, the problems start. We have tested this and it does the same thing with us...way too many hours trying to resolve.

The routine autorates fuel surcharge on their invoices. (trucking company). The system checks the table for the customer number, then the fuel table for the matching fuel price by date, then charges a percent add on. Works fine on their server, and at all other Omni locations.
On the remote, it does not work. We are stopping the program and found that the 'filter' on the first file gets an eof() every time. Small file (1000 records) but still gets an eof, so we set up a scope and it finds the proper cust#. The fuel file is by date, descending, so that the more recent will be on top, otherwise it can take too long after a couple of years of data is saved. The initial find is almost Immediate (first or second record) to locate the proper date. (first date prior to the load date). Again, on the network work stations it finds it 100% of the time. When we are on the server, connect to the remote connection and try it, 0% of the time. No matter what, it gets an eof() and no data is found. (no filter, no scope, just the index)
So, apparently for whatever reason, any filtering is not successful, and the other issue, i guess, is the descending date index.

Any thoughts. How can any hardware connection impact logic???



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Re: Odd things happening

#2 Post by bwolfsohn »


a couple of things come to mind...

i'm thinking it's got to be an environmental problem with someone logging on remotely. perhaps loading a different data driver.. ads vs non-ads ?? or something like that

If not that, then rights/permissions...

just a couple of thoughts... HTH

Brian Wolfsohn
Retired and traveling around the country to music festivals in my RV.
OOPS.. Corona Virus, so NOT traveling right now...
FB travel group: The Breadman Rises

Posts: 554
Joined: Thu Jan 28, 2010 9:34 am

Re: Odd things happening

#3 Post by omni »

We login, as admin, so its not a rights issue.

As a note, removing the filter fixed part of it, so why does a filter (small filter at that) not work on remote (slower file opening) but does when on the network.

The other issue is the index. Also found that the index is a date index, but there will be duplicates because there is a date, and another field (a 1 character code). When we changed the index to be the code+date (instead of just date) and still left it at descending, it rated for us> Waiting now for the users to test it.

Regardless, still no reason (at least to me) why it would be any different on remote server as opposed to main server.


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