Topaz signature tablet

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Topaz signature tablet

#1 Post by rdonnay »

Is anyone using a Topaz 4 x 5 Signature tablet?

This thing is driving me crazy.

I can't get it to save the signature in a usable size.

I don't have this problem with the Topax SignatureGem 1 x 5 but the SigGemColor 5.7 is problematic in several ways.
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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#2 Post by digitsoft »

hello Roger
I save the photo in base64 format in a postgress table with the field type "character varying" when I read the field before presenting the image I decompile it and it works for me in the photo I think that should work for you too

This functions is from the lib by Pablo Botello ot4xb.dll


FUNCTION __b64dec( cStr)
local cSrc := __vstr(cStr,"")
local nDstLen := @ot4xb:ot4xb_base64_decode_required_length( Len(cSrc) ) + 16
local cDst := ChrR(0,nDstLen )
if @ot4xb:ot4xb_base64_decode(cSrc,Len(cSrc),@cDst,@nDstLen) == 0
return NIL
return PeekStr(cDst,0,nDstLen )
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

FUNCTION __b64enc( cStr , nFlags)
local cSrc := __vstr(cStr,"")
local nDstLen := @ot4xb:ot4xb_base64_encode_required_length( Len(cSrc) ) + 16
local cDst := ChrR(0,nDstLen )
if @ot4xb:ot4xb_base64_encode(cSrc,Len(cSrc),@cDst,@nDstLen,__vdef(nFlags,0)) == 0
return NIL
return PeekStr(cDst,0,nDstLen )
Nolberto Paulino

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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#3 Post by rdonnay »

The file is created by the Topaz OCX.

I don't understand what you are talking about.
Topaz doesn't save Base64.
It saves image files.

I already have a .JPG. It just doesn't look correct because it doesn't fill the image.

I am hoping that someone who is using a Topaz tablet will respond.
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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#4 Post by rdonnay »

I figured out my problem.

Topaz Sigplus.ocx documentation is not great.
Even tech support didn't give me the answer.
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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#5 Post by Auge_Ohr »


i have use Microsoft INK to get Signature and "recognize" it ... 19&p=68501

it use HMG Syntax for GUI but ActiveX Code is 100% "compatible".

1st Version does "recognize" Signature and "save" Image use "Bos Taurus" Bitmap Function to take a "Snapshot"
under Xbase++ you can use GraBitBlt()

2nd Version is the Way to "save" Image as IPF_Base64GIF which can be "re-load". but it is not a "nice" GIF
if you want a "nice" GIF use IPF_GIF instead but it can´t be "re-load" as it does not have "Metadata" of "Stroke"
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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#6 Post by sdenjupol148 »


Thanks but we have to use the Topaz tablet because the client's requirement is that the signature animate itself with music and that the user can also sign from right to left as they do in other countries.
Oh and I agree, we only want nice gifs.
Bad gifs are bad.
Before saving, the tablet has to audibly sound the windows 'Tada' sound.
Also, Roger is currently trying to get the signature to animate in a PDF.
Does anyone have any ideas?


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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#7 Post by Auge_Ohr »


you can use Microsoft INK API with every Table or Touchscreen even when use Mouse.

i guess 3-PP Software from Watcom or Topaz is based on it as Microsoft INK API is Part of OS ( Since Windows 8 )
you don´t need a *.OCX when know which API Function are used and how it work

so it is simple to make it "nice" and can add (Overload) like Animation or Sound
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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#8 Post by Tom »

A: "Hey, can anyone tell me how this door can be opened?"
B: "I found out that glass can be made of glass trash. Look here."
A: "WTF?"
C: "Look this, here is explained how you build a different house somewhere else. There will be a door in it, and althought it might look completely different than your door, this one can be opened! Okay, but only once. Okay, and it's not a house, to be honest, more a kind of a tent."
A: "WTF?"
D: "Why do you want to go through that door?"
A: "Okay, someone else gave me the key."
B, C, D: "But ..."
A: Sigh.
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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#9 Post by rdonnay »

We are trying to encourage Bobby to continue on this project and keep contributing his ideas.

He had an accident and is still recovering.
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Re: Topaz signature tablet

#10 Post by Tom »

I know that, Roger. The short scene was highly ironic - and not about Bobby or you.
Best regards,

"Did I offend you?"
"Okay, give me a second chance."

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