SqlQuery.exe (a new database query tool)

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Re: SqlQuery.exe (a new database query tool)

#11 Post by rdonnay »

i can't start SqlQuery.exe, because "OdbcUt10.dll" is not available.
There are several files that only come with the Professional version of Xbase++.




I have updated SqlQuery.zip to include only the 4 (four) .DLL files because these are part of the runtime distribution allowed by Alaska Software. If you want to rebuild SqlQuery.Exe/.Dll then you will need the Xbase++ Professional version which includes the .LIB and .CH files. If, however, you only want to use the SqlQuery.Exe/.Dll that I have compiled, then it should now load for you with no errors. SqlQuery.Zip only contains the Xbase++ 2.0 versions of those files.

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Re: SqlQuery.exe (a new database query tool)

#12 Post by rdonnay »

I have built 2 versions of SqlQuery.exe.
These include the ADS*.DLL and ODBC*.DLL files for both Xbase++ 2.0 and Xbase++ 1.9

Added new features:
1. Build data-dictionary from set of DBF files.
2. Add a DBF to existing data-dictionary
3. Remove a DBF from existing data-dictionary
4. Reindex a CDX

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Re: SqlQuery.exe (a new database query tool)

#13 Post by rdonnay »

A new feature has been added to SqlQuery. One-To-Many browses.

It now does One-To-Many relations between windows. No special indexes are required.
Everything is done using SQL statements to send messages between windows.
When an item is double-clicked in a parent window, a message is sent to the child window
(even though it runs in another thread) to re-execute the SQL for that window with and
addition to the WHERE clause. This addition passes the value in the key field of the parent
window to the key field of the child window. This works with even with no indexes and it
works with any kind of connection (ODBC,ADS,PG).

Setting a link between 2 windows is simple:

1. Click on the LINK button of the parent window.
A sub-window will appear with a browse of the parent fields.
2. Click on any child window.
The fields of the child window will appear in the sub-window.
3. Pair the parent field name to the child field name by clicking in both browses.
4. Click OK.

Test the link by double-clicking parent items to see the child window get refreshed with
related items.
This One-To-Many can be saved to the VIEW dictionary by simply clicking on LINK again
and selecting Save to Views. The select statements, field relations and the window
coordinates will be saved.
SqlQuery7.JPG (306.95 KiB) Viewed 11037 times
To restore the view with relations and window coordinates, select Execute this View
from the tree menu.
Sqlquery6.JPG (294.37 KiB) Viewed 11037 times

The next update will include the ability to link a parent to 2 child windows with separate
link fields or to link windows in a daisy-chain.
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Re: SqlQuery.exe (a new database query tool)

#14 Post by rdonnay »

Click this URL to see the latest version and release info.

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Re: SqlQuery.exe (a new database query tool)

#15 Post by rdonnay »

This application has evolved into the database query tool I have always wanted.

I have worked with a lot of data over the years and many times when I am writing code I want to see the data, the fields, the indexes, etc.
Xdot.exe has been my tool of choice for many years but it is not nearly as useful as a tool that has a tree of options in which it is not necessary to remember the names of data tables, fields, index tags, etc.

SqlQuery is now much more than a simple database query tool.
You can now build and save data browses of various types:

1. Sql selects - Build browses that use SQL expressions and Scalar functions.
3. Procedures
4. SQL scripts with views linking up to 3 browse screens
5. Command scripts - Run Xbase++ code
6. ISAM Scripts - Build browses that use Xbase++ expressions and functions.

You can connect to various data sources: ADS, CDX, VFP, ODBC, PG

If you just want a better database tool or if you are planning to start working more with SQL in your applications, this will be a valuable aid.

Now you can have many of the features of Advantage Architect or other database managers (such as SQL Server Management Studio) in a tool that you can simply add to your own application. No need to install software on each workstation. Give yourself (the Administrator) full capability or your users limited capability.
SqlQuery8.jpg (103.33 KiB) Viewed 10810 times
SqlQuery9.jpg (35.76 KiB) Viewed 10809 times
SqlQuery10.jpg (93.97 KiB) Viewed 10809 times
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