I wnat to use the drag-drop of the buttons. This isn't working as expected.
I added the following to the DRAGDROP.PRG sample.
Code: Select all
@ 0,0 dcpushbuttonxp caption "But 1" title "B1" size 15,2 ;
DRAG {|oXbp| DC_GetProperty( oXbp, cGETLIST_TITLE ) } ;
DROP {|oXbp,a| (wtf DC_GetProperty( oXbp, cGETLIST_TITLE ),a) }
@ 0,25 dcpushbuttonxp caption "But 2" title "B2" size 15,2 ;
DRAG {|oXbp| DC_GetProperty( oXbp, cGETLIST_TITLE ) } ;
DROP {|oXbp,a| (wtf DC_GetProperty( oXbp, cGETLIST_TITLE ),a) }
This isn't according to the documentation.
In attachment the modified dragdrop.prg for an easy test.