Getting this error, express 263 on 1.9. Just on one report so far, but does not make a lot of sense, other than the column counter is off (it appears)
-> VALTYPE: A VALUE: {"", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "INTERNATIONAL FUEL TAX REPORT", "", "", "", "", "", ""}
oError:description : Error in array index
oError:filename :
oError:genCode : 4
oError:operation : <A of 26>[<27>]
Called from DC_ARRAY2EXCEL(5147)
Called from DC_PRINTEROFF(3813)
Called from PRINTOFF(631)
The headers and columns are fairly complex and landscape, but I cannot get it do error on any other report in my testing.
Excel error from prchoice
Re: Excel error from prchoice
Are you sure you are using build 263?
Line 5147 of _DCFUNCT.PRG should not cause that kind of error.
Line 5147 of _DCFUNCT.PRG should not cause that kind of error.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.
Re: Excel error from prchoice
Yes, I saw that does not make any sense. I have seen error messages with wrong line numbers, but I do not know how to check that issue on that code.
Now we did recompile dclipx for a change you gave us, but it should not have impacted that line number.
That was one line changed on dcprc.prg.
I can try with another version(?). Or retry the compile to see if it may have compiled wrong for some reason.
Now we did recompile dclipx for a change you gave us, but it should not have impacted that line number.
That was one line changed on dcprc.prg.
I can try with another version(?). Or retry the compile to see if it may have compiled wrong for some reason.
Re: Excel error from prchoice
can you reproduce that Error ? how does Header Text look like ?The headers and columns are fairly complex and landscape, but I cannot get it do error on any other report in my testing.
greetings by OHR
Re: Excel error from prchoice
Recompiled and its line 5042. That one makes sense matching with the error...
this report is landscape...I moved the page counter (far right which is 135 column) one row down from the top row and then it worked. Odd...just a trial and error.
Recompiled and its line 5042. That one makes sense matching with the error...
this report is landscape...I moved the page counter (far right which is 135 column) one row down from the top row and then it worked. Odd...just a trial and error.