I am making a test program and took a sample program that uses this code and am reducing the program to create the test program.
This is the code I am using:
Code: Select all
DCVARGROUP TO oV NAME mVars_Template3 ;
m_sec_num := SPACE(3), ;
m_sec_name := SPACE(35), ;
m_add_1 := SPACE(25), ;
m_add_2 := SPACE(25), ;
m_city := SPACE(25), ;
m_state := SPACE(2), ;
m_zip := SPACE(9), ;
m_phone := SPACE(10), ;
m_contact := SPACE(35), ;
m_ndefdays := 0, ;
m_acct_num := SPACE(9), ;
m_nadvrate := 0, ;
m_acctnum2 := SPACE(9), ;
d_lEditmode := .F., ; // Define for TOOL BAR - in edit mode or not
d_lAddmode := .F., ; // in add mode
d_nTabpage := 0, ; // current tab page number
d_bNextpage := NIL, ; // code block for next page hot key +
d_bPrevpage := NIL, ; // code block for next page hot key -
d_cTitle := '', ; // program dialog title
d_lDisablesave := .F., ; // flag to disable save button
d_oDialog := NIL, ; // pointer to option dialog screen
d_oMsgbox := NIL, ;
d_oStatstatic := NIL, ;
d_oStatbar := NIL, ;
d_nSaverecord := NIL, ; // work variable used for current record position
d_aNtabs := NIL, ; // array containing tab page ordinal number
d_aOtabs := NIL, ; // array containing tab page object pointers
d_lSaveneeded := .F., ; // flag indicating whether a save process is needed to be performed // PC CAW 08-07-15
d_oTabpage1 := NIL, ;
d_oTabstatic1 := NIL, ;
d_oPagegroup1 := NIL, ;
d_oSeekkey := NIL, ;
d_oBrowse := NIL, ;
d_oTabpage2 := NIL, ;
d_oTabstatic2 := NIL, ;
d_oPagegroup2 := NIL, ;
d_oIdent2 := NIL, ;
d_oData2 := NIL
Code: Select all
Xbase++ version : Xbase++ (R) Version 2.00.758
Operating system : Windows 10 10.00 Build 14393
oError:args :
-> VALTYPE: A VALUE: {{"m_sec_num", 259}, {"m_sec_name", 259}, {"m_add_1", 259}, {"m_add_2", 259}, {"m_city", 259}, {"m_state", 259}, {"m_zip", 259}, {"m_phone", 259}, {"m_contact", 259}, {"m_ndefdays", 259}, {"m_acct_num", 259}, {"m_nadvrate", 259}, {"m_acctnum2", 259}, {"aApp[1]", 259}, {"d_lAddmode", 259}, {"d_nTabpage", 259}, {"d_bNextpage", 259}, {"d_bPrevpage", 259}, {"d_cTitle", 259}, {"d_lDisablesave", 259}, {"aApp[10]", 259}, {"d_oMsgbox", 259}, {"d_oStatstatic", 259}, {"d_oStatbar", 259}, {"d_nSaverecord", 259}, {"d_aNtabs", 259}, {"d_aOtabs", 259}, {"d_lSaveneeded", 259}, {"d_oTabpage1", 259}, {"d_oTabstatic1", 259}, {"d_oPagegroup1", 259}, {"d_oSeekkey", 259}, {"d_oBrowse", 259}, {"d_oTabpage2", 259}, {"d_oTabstatic2", 259}, {"d_oPagegroup2", 259}, {"d_oIdent2", 259}, {"d_oData2", 259}}
oError:canDefault : N
oError:canRetry : N
oError:canSubstitute: Y
oError:cargo : NIL
oError:description : Message must start with letter or underscore following by alphanumerics and underscore
oError:filename :
oError:genCode : 147
oError:operation : classCreate
oError:osCode : 0
oError:severity : 2
oError:subCode : 2268
oError:subSystem : BASE
oError:thread : 3
oError:tries : 0
Called from DC_VARGROUP(5658)
Called from TEST1(454)
Called from (B)MAIN(12)
oVars := ClassCreate( cName,, aIVar )