Hector -Using soapUI (opensource) is a tool to build calls
soap and also allows test
https://www.soapui.org/soap-and-wsdl/ge ... arted.html
This sounds like good information.
I will look into this. Thank you.
Hector -Using soapUI (opensource) is a tool to build calls
soap and also allows test
https://www.soapui.org/soap-and-wsdl/ge ... arted.html
This is all very confusing.Once you achieve that works, it moves to xBase ++
No longer needed after the soapUI
Cliff -A lot of the responses appear to be talking about sending the request instead of receiving it. What side are you need to setup.
Yes, I know all of this. I just don't know how to do it simply and quickly. I already have a very simple solution for receiving a file. Any programmer who knows what a URL is would understand this:In looking at the webserve program in xb2net, the servicing of the SOAPActions is really just based on the soapaction in the Soap http message. But you have to just create a WSDL for them so they can plug it into your tool and connect to your server. The WSDL does not stop you from using XBase++. You just need to provide the template in the WSDL so the other party can read it and generate his classes and data structures to connect to the data you provide in the XML and with IP address/DNS, namespace definitions and soapactions you support.