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Anonymous Postings

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 4:20 pm
by rdonnay
I am considering allowing anonymous postings to help cut down on the private emails I receive from eXpress++ users who don't like to ask questions in a public forum. After asking a user to post his question on the forum, he replied as follows:
But my questions are so stupid people will talk behind my back even more than they already do.
This was my response:
This is a common misconception by 90% of eXpress++ users.
Most of you tend to believe that your knowledge is sub-standard, but I have worked with many eXpress++ users and I find that 90% of them have about the same level of knowledge as you do, yet they feel the same way you do and therefore are afraid to ask questions.

Your question is a perfectly good one to ask and deserves an answer.
eXpress++ was developed for people like you.
Those who use eXpress++ tend to be like you and think like you.

There is nobody who has a perfect knowledge of a language, including myself.
I have to ask questions too, and I do that on the Xbase++ forum.

I am thinking of starting a new forum on my board that will be for anonymous postings.
You will be able to post questions anonymously with the expectation that they will be answered.

Re: Anonymous Postings

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2010 4:56 am
by bwolfsohn
rdonnay wrote:I am considering allowing anonymous postings to help cut down on the private emails I receive from eXpress++ users who don't like to ask questions in a public forum. After asking a user to post his question on the forum, he replied as follows:
Anything that will help the free exchange of ideas is probably a good idea.. As long as the anonymous poster has to be registered.. the admin should be able to see who it is..

perhaps there is a board mod that will allow a "post as anonymous" to logged in users which could accomplish this ?


Re: Anonymous Postings

Posted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 7:14 pm
by sdenjupol148
To post or not to post – that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The stings and woes of unanswered questions,
Or to take action in an anonymous forum
And, by posting questions great and small, end them.

I say post on. Anonymously if you have to.

Someone :techie-typing: