Using a command to copy DBF to EXCEL
Posted: Mon Feb 18, 2013 7:26 am
This command was contributed by Michael Rudrich.
This is from an email to me from Michael:
"I'd like to share something - maybe it's helpful for you or
one of your customers:
In FoxPro there is a very easy way to export records into MS-Excel like:
COPY FIELDS cust_name, zip, address to c:\testing TYPE XLS
A customer asked me if I could create something similar -
and so I used the preprocessor for that
Maybe you could use it.. it is a very easy way to export to excel"
This command was contributed by Michael Rudrich.
This is from an email to me from Michael:
"I'd like to share something - maybe it's helpful for you or
one of your customers:
In FoxPro there is a very easy way to export records into MS-Excel like:
COPY FIELDS cust_name, zip, address to c:\testing TYPE XLS
A customer asked me if I could create something similar -
and so I used the preprocessor for that
Maybe you could use it.. it is a very easy way to export to excel"
Code: Select all
#INCLUDE "dcdialog.CH"
#Pragma Library("ASCOM10.LIB")
#Pragma Library("DCLIPX.LIB")
#Pragma Library("DCLIP1.LIB")
[FIELDS <flds,...>] ;
[ FOR <for>] ;
[ WHILE <whl>] ;
[ NEXT <nxt>] ;
[RECORD <rcd>] ;
[ <rst: REST>] ;
[ VIA <dbe>] ;
[ ALL ] ;
=> _dbExport( DC_Path(AppName(.t.)) + '_TempData', { <(flds)> }, __EBCB(<for>), __EBCB(<whl>), <nxt>, <rcd>, <.rst.>, <dbe> ) ;
;M->_oExcel := CreateObject("Excel.Application");
;M->_oBook:= M->_oExcel:workbooks:Open(DC_Path(AppName(.t.))+'_TempData.dbf');
;M->_oBook:SaveAs(<(file)>+".xls", -4143 );
USE ..\..\data\customer VIA "FOXCDX"
COPY TO Customer TYPE XLS // This will end up in C:\Users\<login>\Documents
COPY TO (DC_CurPath() + '\Customer') TYPE XLS // This will end up in current directory
* ----------
PROC appsys ; RETURN