Memo Fields
Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2012 12:08 pm
We have users that constantly get errors reading/opening memo fields on a database. Not all users, but the ones that get them, it happens constantly. The actual field itself for the record is blank, (len=0) but if I replace it with "", it then opens without error. Can open in foxpro, but opening in Xdot (or in our app) gives operating system error. (Until we replace it with ""). As a note, many of the fields are not blank, but the record that causes the problem is (usually)
Any thought are appreciated.
We have users that constantly get errors reading/opening memo fields on a database. Not all users, but the ones that get them, it happens constantly. The actual field itself for the record is blank, (len=0) but if I replace it with "", it then opens without error. Can open in foxpro, but opening in Xdot (or in our app) gives operating system error. (Until we replace it with ""). As a note, many of the fields are not blank, but the record that causes the problem is (usually)
Any thought are appreciated.