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Autoseek option

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:36 am
by omni
We have a user that wants to be able to search based on the last 5 characters of an account number. I know we can display it with no problem in the browse (we use dcfindbrowse, or sometimes our own similar version) but was not sure if the autoseek can work somehow on that.
I know we could create a field in the data file, but just curious if it could be done another way.



Re: Autoseek option

Posted: Tue May 22, 2012 5:47 am
by rdonnay
If you're talking about using DC_BrowseAutoSeek() or DC_FindBrowse(), then you will want to index on the last 5 characters. Otherwise, you will need to use a custom code block for doing the seek and this would have to call dbLocate() rather than dbSeek(). This would be very slow on a large database.