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Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 2:20 pm
by BruceN
OK guys.. This really isn't an express issue, but I just have to share it....

My son's robotics tream just won the FIRST Robotics FTC World Championships and set a new high score (869 points)!!!

If anyone is interested, I'll post links to videos when I get bsack to Tampa.

Thanks for letting be brag a bit sbout my kid...


Re: Bragging....

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 3:12 pm
by bwolfsohn
Congratulation bruce.. it's obvious you are justly proud...

re: people:

There are 2 kinds of people..
Those who can extrapolate from incomplete data..

Re: Bragging....

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 9:31 am
by rdonnay
Bruce -

Give us the link to the video please.


Re: Bragging....

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2012 7:45 am
by Cliff Wiernik

I know how it is to be proud of your children.

I am similarly proud of my daughter and son's academic and related accomplishments.

It all starts with the parents, so I happy for both of you.


Re: Bragging....

Posted: Wed May 02, 2012 8:52 am
by BruceN
here's a link to a news story the local cbs channel did last night. more to come from competition in next few days as they get posted on line. ... ampionship

my son (brian) is the one who introduces 'the beast' and does most of the talking.

thanks for your interest....


Re: Bragging....

Posted: Thu May 03, 2012 10:29 am
by BruceN
Summary of the game:

There are 4 robots competing at a time - 2 robots in the red allaince and 2 in the blue. The first 30 seconds are 'autonomous mode' . the robots perform pre-programmed tasks (which rarely work as planned due to the variability of the field conditions as 4 robots try to do things simultaneously.)

The remaning 2 minutes are 'tele-op mode' or driver controlled. It takes 2 drivers for each robot as there are more controls that one can handle. there is also a 'coach' on the field to keep an eye on the time and help coordinate activity (3 people from each team, in other words)

In this years game (every year is a new game so they have to start from scratch):

In autonomous mode, points are scored for putting the bowling ball in a corner, for flipping crates, and for having the robot in the corner.

Final scoring is based on number of crates lifted, number of balls in the crates, and how high a crate is lifted. A crate must have at least 1 ball in it to count.

Therefore, the robot must turn a crate over, place a ball in it, then lift.

Here's a video of a practice where they get 4 crates (note: at world, one one team ever got 4 crates - them, i don't think anyone ever got 4 in a competition previously).

I'm trying to find good videos of the matches. If you don't want to wait you can search for '4997 masquerade' or for 'middleton robotics'. A bunch of videos are posted there.

Also, fyi: the entire team is all sophmores and freshman (high school), for most this is their first year in robotics!

Re: Bragging....

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 5:08 am
by John Hohensee
That was great video. Next year the pressure will really be on as your son returns as the champion!
More will be expected and I am sure he will deliver!

Re: Bragging....

Posted: Sat May 05, 2012 6:49 am
by BruceN
here's a link to a number of videos from the championships: