New DC_BrowseQuery() class
Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2011 7:27 pm
Created a new class: DC_BrowseQuery(). This is only a sample class and not documented. Usage is included in the sample program ..\Samples\BrowseQuery\BrowseQuery.Prg. This class is used to provide a popup window of a user-friendly dialog for creating filters for the browse.
Create a new directory named \exp19\samples\BrowseQuery and unzip the attached file to that directory.
Run PBUILD BrowseQuery to build BrowseQuery.Exe.
Run the program and click on the FIND button.
Enter value(s) into the Gets and then click FIND to see how the filter is created for the browse.
I wrote this class for Bobby Drakos for use in a law office application.
He says that this is the most used feature in his entire application.
Create a new directory named \exp19\samples\BrowseQuery and unzip the attached file to that directory.
Run PBUILD BrowseQuery to build BrowseQuery.Exe.
Run the program and click on the FIND button.
Enter value(s) into the Gets and then click FIND to see how the filter is created for the browse.
I wrote this class for Bobby Drakos for use in a law office application.
He says that this is the most used feature in his entire application.