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ActiveX revisited
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 6:32 am
by BruceN
I'm still having the focus issue with the activex control. No matter what I do it still opens behind the other windows. There's suposed to be a ':ToFront()' method for activeX controls, but I can't seem to get it to work. I've tried using Rogers dcaxtivex and have same issue.
Attached is a simple sample showing the problem. We have a customer screen. A hotkey (or button) calls up a credit card name/company screen (this info needs to be fed to the activex for it to remotely create a new customer). From that we call the activex (which stores credit card info securely and can process credit card sales with those cards). Any help from you 'wonder wizzards' would be GREATLY appreciated. My limited knowledge is at a dead end.
(Note: the activex control needs to be registered (regsvr32 C:\Windows\System32\cipwin32.occ) and when you run the program and call the activex the first time you typically get a certificate request and then an error msg. The second time (and subsequently) it loads fine - except for the focus issue.)
Again, thanks to all,
Re: ActiveX revisited
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 7:26 am
by bwolfsohn
I've done almost nothing with activex, but i always take the "other road" when looking at things..
Since you can't bring the activex dialog to the front, can you send your app to the back ?? or minimize it when the dialog is open ??
just a quick (probably dumb) suggestion from someone who looks at things through an upside-down looking glass..
Re: ActiveX revisited
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:05 am
by BruceN
I appreciate the of-the-wall thought. I tend to think that way too (I've been told that I travel to the beat of a different kazoo.) However, in this case I don't know if that will work as we have a main menu window (which is still a crt screen) and the gui customer screen pops up over that. We also prevent the windows from being minimized (too many people used minimize it, forget it was there, and open up another copy of the program - our typical user is a dumb retail clerk with the iq of a fence post).
But thanks for the thought
Re: ActiveX revisited
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 8:24 am
by Tom
Hi, Bruce.
I will take a look at it tonight (it's 4 pm in Germany).
ToFont() and ToBack() are methods to manipulate the z-order of windows and objects. It doesn't effect the parent-child-relation or something like this. If two objects on a window overlap, ToFront()/ToBack() will help to organize this, but normally, these methods are not used very often, since objects on a window are placed correctly by the programmer. It has almost nothing do to with eventhandling or focussing.
Re: ActiveX revisited
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 9:11 am
by rdonnay
Bruce -
They are obviously doing something unusual in the creation of their screen.
When their screen is deployed you can't even move the other screens.
It's as though their control is interfering with Xbase++ events.
I looked at their docs and it isn't obvious how to solve this problem when using their screen.
I would suggest using their product in "Silent Mode".
Step 2. Create New Customer – Silent Mode
The following code will create a new customer on the gateway and not display anything. Unlike Interactive
Mode, you will have to create your own screen to manage payments within your system.
Note: All fields for an existing customer get overwritten every time the UpdateCustomer function is called.
For example if you don’t populate FirstName when you call UpdateCustomer for the customer below the 2nd
time, “John” would get deleted from the gateway.
Note: The only difference here between Interactive Mode and Silent Mode is that UpdatePayments is used in
Interactive Mode while UpdateCustomer is used in Silent Mode.
Code: Select all
'Company or LastName is required.
easyIntegrator.Customer.CustomerFields.Company = "Bob's Boats"
easyIntegrator.Customer.CustomerFields.FirstName = "John"
easyIntegrator.Customer.CustomerFields.LastName = "Doe"
easyIntegrator.Customer.CustomerFields.CustomerID = "YourID 123"
easyIntegrator.Customer.CustomerFields.Phone = "123-456-7890"
easyIntegrator.Customer.CustomerFields.EMail = ""
'use 0 to create new customer, otherwise pass number of customer to update
'save to use later to process a payment for this customer
StringSavedCustomerRef = easyIntegrator.Customer.CustomerRef
Delete Customer- Silent Mode
The following code will delete a customer from the gateway.
Code: Select all
Re: ActiveX revisited
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 10:40 am
by BruceN
Nothing is ever easy in my life
If we have to go silent, then I guess we will have to. Howeever, I'd REALLY rather avoid that as there are other screens they use which have the same focus issue and we'd have to work around thosae as well - and that would eliminate (or make quite difficult) the ability to do some things.
I was hoping that if we solved the focus issue here it would solve it for the other screens as well!
I've forwarded your thought to Rubin , (their developer). Maybe he will have a thought as to why.
As always, thanks again....
Re: ActiveX revisited
Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:29 pm
by BruceN
ANYTHING you can do would be greatly appeciated. I'm at the point of loading up the AK and going postal
mucho thankso