Error after calling the DC_GetRefresh() function

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Error after calling the DC_GetRefresh() function

#1 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

An error occurs after accessing the DC_Get Refresh() function. I don't understand something and I'm doing it wrong. Tell me?

Code: Select all

@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| TXTtoBMPMess(cOutString),               DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
* * * * * * 

DCREAD GUI FIT TITLE '(C°) Crypton-messenger' ;
   OPTIONS GetOptions ;
   EVAL {||PostAppEvent(xbeP_Activate,,,oButton)}
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Wolfgang Ciriack
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Re: Error after calling the DC_GetRefresh() function

#2 Post by Wolfgang Ciriack »

Seems, that in your Getlist is a var, that is not initialised correct or the value of that var is changed to a wrong type somewhere in your dialog
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Re: Error after calling the DC_GetRefresh() function

#3 Post by rdonnay »

You must make sure that the variable bound to the DCMULTILINE (XbpMle) is a character string.
Somewhere in your code you are changing that value.
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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Error after calling the DC_GetRefresh() function

#4 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

I tried to use DC MULTI LINE as a simple text line editor. A number of functions are called from this editor that can change this line. It turns out, but the above error occurs. Is this how it should be if I change the line outside of DC MULTI LINE? Maybe try using another function like MemoEdit()?

Code: Select all

********* Простой текстовый редактор для работы с сообщениями: Crypton-messenger
FUNCTION Messenger()
LOCAL cText, GetList[0], GetOptions, nWidth, cFont, cOutString, oMemo, oButton

***** Текстовый редактор сообщений *************************************************************

CrLf   = CHR(13)+CHR(10)     // Конец строки (записи)

IF .NOT. FILE('Message.txt')
   cOutString = REPLICATE('=',170)                                                  + CrLf +;
               'Это файл сообщения, которое можно зашифровать и послать в облако.'  + CrLf +;
               'Дата и время сообщения: '+DTOC(DATE())+"-"+TIME()                   + CrLf +;
                REPLICATE('=',170)                                                  + CrLf
   StrFile(cOutString, 'Message.txt')                         // Запись файла обсуждения в папку Inp_data
   cOutString = ALLTRIM(FILESTR('Message.txt'))               // Считывание файла обсуждения для редактирования
   cOutString = cOutString + CrLf + CrLf + REPLICATE('-',25)+DTOC(DATE())+"-"+TIME()+REPLICATE('-',126)   + CrLf

cFont  = Pad('12.Courier',40)
nWidth = 1500

@2.7, 0 DCMULTILINE cOutString  SIZE 248,40 FONT Alltrim(cFont) OBJECT oMemo

d = 5
w = 2

mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Помощь','Help')
@43.3, 0           DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := MessHelp(),               DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Создать ключ','Create key')                                                                                      
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := CreateKey(),              DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Показать ключ','View key')                                                                                       
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := ViewKey(),                DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Каталог сообщений','Message catalog')                                                                            
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := HypLinksMess(),           DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Стереть','Erase')                                                                                                
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := Erase(),                  DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }  
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Зашифровать в TXT','Encrypt in TXT')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := CryptonMess(cOutString),  DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }   
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Закодировать в BMP','Encode in BMP')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| TXTtoBMPMess(cOutString),               DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Показать BMP','View BMP')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| ViewBMP(),                              DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Записать в облако','Write to the cloud')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| SaveCloud(cOutString),                DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Скачать из облака','Download from the cloud')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d+20 DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w, 1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := LoadCloud(),             DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Форматировать текст','Format Text')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {||cOutString := DC_FormatMemoToWidth(cOutString,248,cFont), DC_GetRefresh(GetList), oMemo:setFontCompoundName(Alltrim(cFont))}
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Расшифровать из TXT','Decrypt from TXT')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := DecipherMess(),           DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
mStr = IF(mLanguage=1,'Расшифровать из BMP','Decrypt from BMP')
@43.3, DCGUI_COL+d DCPUSHBUTTON CAPTION mStr SIZE LEN(mStr)+w,    1.5 OBJECT oButton ACTION {|| cOutString := BMPtoTXTMess(),           DC_GetRefresh(GetList) }
DCREAD GUI FIT TITLE '(C°) Crypton-messenger' ;
   OPTIONS GetOptions ;
   EVAL {||PostAppEvent(xbeP_Activate,,,oButton)}

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