Posted: Tue Dec 11, 2018 8:15 am
I ask for support because I have a Problem shown in the following test program I prepared for presentation:
Please write in:
Last Name: write in test and press enter
Amount: write in 345.45 and press enter
Street: write in test and press enter (until this Point everything is fine)
After last entry the Cursor moves to Last Name again
write in test and press enter
Amount: try to write in 445,45
my result is: the entry field only takes 4, shows 4.00 and moves to entry field street.
so the amount is only 4.00.
You can't write 445,45 in the second entry loop.
procedure test
LOCAL GetList:= {}, cLastName := Space(15), cstreet := Space(15),;
nAmount:= 0,GetOptions
@ 1,10 DCSAY 'Last Name' GET cLastName picture "@K XXXXXXXXXX"
@ 3,10 DCSAY 'Amount' GET nAmount picture '@K 99999999.99'
@ 5,10 DCSAY 'Street' GET cstreet picture "@K XXXXXXXXXX"
dcgetoptions nominbutton nomaxbutton noconfirm noresize tabstop ;
saywidth 0 noescapekey
OPTIONS GetOptions
I hope you have a solution or Explanation what is wrong in a.m. procedure.
My Xbase-Version is 2.00.1037
express-Version is 2.0.266
OS: Windows 10
I ask for support because I have a Problem shown in the following test program I prepared for presentation:
Please write in:
Last Name: write in test and press enter
Amount: write in 345.45 and press enter
Street: write in test and press enter (until this Point everything is fine)
After last entry the Cursor moves to Last Name again
write in test and press enter
Amount: try to write in 445,45
my result is: the entry field only takes 4, shows 4.00 and moves to entry field street.
so the amount is only 4.00.
You can't write 445,45 in the second entry loop.
procedure test
LOCAL GetList:= {}, cLastName := Space(15), cstreet := Space(15),;
nAmount:= 0,GetOptions
@ 1,10 DCSAY 'Last Name' GET cLastName picture "@K XXXXXXXXXX"
@ 3,10 DCSAY 'Amount' GET nAmount picture '@K 99999999.99'
@ 5,10 DCSAY 'Street' GET cstreet picture "@K XXXXXXXXXX"
dcgetoptions nominbutton nomaxbutton noconfirm noresize tabstop ;
saywidth 0 noescapekey
OPTIONS GetOptions
I hope you have a solution or Explanation what is wrong in a.m. procedure.
My Xbase-Version is 2.00.1037
express-Version is 2.0.266
OS: Windows 10