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DCPUSHBUTTONXP disable / enable change color

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2018 2:35 am
by Victorio
I have buttons on screen, and I do not know, how to prevent change color other buttons when some function from button is running.
When I use WHEN {||jelvbenable()} , then all buttons are disabled / cannot run function with it, it is ok. But when I select some function / click one from buttons, function starts , but other buttons changing colors when move mouse cursor before it, this changing colors.
Also when I clict to button, some proces start but when I moving with mouse on screen, after
How simpliest way to block color change when some process running ? Must I use two version of mousecolor or exist some better way. Thanks for any advices
Here part of code>

Code: Select all

LOCAL oVelketlacitka

* this button to show buttons on screen
@ vbhokr+(0*vbry)+(0*vbmy),5+(0*vbrx)+(0*vbmx) DCPUSHBUTTONXP PIXEL OBJECT oVelketlacitka ;
	SIZE vblokr-10,(0.7*vblokr)-10 ;
      	FONT fontbtmenu2  ;
      	GRADIENT 0.2 ;
      	COLOR GRA_CLR_BLACK, {32, 178, 170} ;	// nastavenie farby text/podklad 
      	MOUSECOLOR {255,255,0},{  0, 51,255} ;
      	CLICKCOLOR {0,0,0},{250, 128, 114} ;
        BORDERCOLOR {204,212,204} ;
      	RADIUS 5 ;
	ACTION {||lmojetlacitka:=mojetlacitka(),iif(lmojetlacitka,bitmapvypni(oDlgmain,aSize),bitmapzapni(oDlgmain,aSize)),DC_GetRefresh(GetList)} ;
      	TOOLTIP "Zobrazenie tlačítok pre rýchlu voľbu , rýchly výber funkcie" ;
	CONFIG oConfigvb 

* button
@ vbhokr+(0*vbry)+(0*vbmy),vblokr+(0*vbrx)+(0*vbmx) DCPUSHBUTTONXP PIXEL OBJECT oVelketlacitka ;
      SIZE vbrx,vbry ;
      FONT fontbtmenu2  ;
      BITMAP cestahlprg+"IKONY\LIST.GIF" ;
         ALIGN 8 ;
         OFFSET 10 ;
         SCALE 1.0 ;
      GRADIENT 0.2 ;
      COLOR GRA_CLR_BLACK, {144,238,144} ;	// nastavenie farby text/podklad 
      MOUSECOLOR {255,255,0},{  0, 51,255} ;
      CLICKCOLOR {0,0,0},{250, 128, 114} ;
      BORDERCOLOR {204,212,204} ;
      RADIUS 20 ;
      ACTION {||iif(blokujokno=.F.,{Zvku(),blokokno(),if(AKTU_P3(),iif((olpsql=2),Wslv(2,,,.T.),Wslv_sql(2,,,.T.)),nil),unblokokno()},{}),oVelketlacitka:refresh()} ;
      WHEN {||jelvbenable()} ;
      MENUACTION {||Msgbox("List vlastníctva s chronológiou zmien")} ;
      TOOLTIP "Klikni na zobrazenie ďalšieho menu" ;
      CONFIG oConfigvb ;
      HIDE  {||!lmojetlacitka}	

*2.nd button
@ vbhokr+(0*vbry)+(0*vbmy),vblokr+(1*vbrx)+(1*vbmx) DCPUSHBUTTONXP PIXEL OBJECT oVelketlacitka ;
      SIZE vbrx,vbry ;
      FONT fontbtmenu2  ;
      BITMAP cestahlprg+"IKONY\LUDIA.GIF" ;
         ALIGN 8 ;
         OFFSET 10 ;
         SCALE 1.0 ;
      GRADIENT 0.2 ;
      COLOR GRA_CLR_BLACK, {255,255,153} ;
      MOUSECOLOR {255,255,0},{  0, 51,255} ;
      CLICKCOLOR {0,0,0},{250, 128, 114} ;
      BORDERCOLOR {204,212,204} ;
      RADIUS 20 ;
      ACTION {||iif(blokujokno=.F.,{blokokno(),iif((olpsql=2),HVZ(1,1,1,0,0,1,1,0,0),{OTVOROLPSQL(),HVZ_SQL(1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,0),ZATVOROLPSQL()}),unblokokno()},{}),oVelketlacitka:refresh()} ;
      WHEN {||jelvbenable()} ;
      MENUACTION {||Msgbox("Vyhľadávanie zmien vlastníka, účastníka")} ;
      TOOLTIP "Klikni na zobrazenie ďalšieho menu" ;
      CONFIG oConfigvb ;
      HIDE  {||!lmojetlacitka}	

        TITLE "RAUKN Win"+verzia ;
        OPTIONS GetOptions ;
        EVAL {||NASTAVWRKN(),bitmapzapni(oDlgmain,aSize)}

FUNCTION JELVBENABLE()	// this function only for test if lvbenable is .T./.F.
if lvbenable=.T.
	return .T.
elseif lvbenable=.F.
	return .F.
	return .T.
return .T.

Re: DCPUSHBUTTONXP disable / enable change color

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 4:52 am
by Victorio
Or simpliest question : how can I enable/disable MOUSECOLOR ?. Color changed after mouse moving also when button is disabled .
I wanted to put some code block in MOUSECOLOR bmousecolor, but I do not know how to do it.

Code: Select all

@ vbhokr+(0*vbry)+(0*vbmy),vblokr+(0*vbrx)+(0*vbmx) DCPUSHBUTTONXP PIXEL OBJECT oVelketlacitka ;
      SIZE vbrx,vbry ;
      FONT fontbtmenu2  ;
      BITMAP cestahlprg+"IKONY\LIST.GIF" ;
         ALIGN 8 ;
         OFFSET 10 ;
         SCALE 1.0 ;
      GRADIENT 0.2 ;
      COLOR GRA_CLR_BLACK, {144,238,144} ;	// nastavenie farby text/podklad 
      MOUSECOLOR {255,255,0},{  0, 51,255} ;

Re: DCPUSHBUTTONXP disable / enable change color

Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2018 9:16 am
by Victorio
Solved :P

I found my mistake, where after controlling function blockokno() which set controlling variable for jelvbenable() in WHEN
have not DC_GetRefresh(GetList).
After change from

ACTION {||iif(blokujokno=.F.,{blokokno(),iif(AKTU_P3(),iif((olpsql=2),Wslv(2,,,.T.),Wslv_sql(2,,,.T.)),nil),unblokokno()},{}),oVelketlacitka:refresh(),DC_GetRefresh(GetList)} ;

ACTION {||iif(blokujokno=.F.,{blokokno(),DC_GetRefresh(GetList),iif(AKTU_P3(),iif((olpsql=2),Wslv(2,,,.T.),Wslv_sql(2,,,.T.)),nil),unblokokno()},{}),oVelketlacitka:refresh(),DC_GetRefresh(GetList)} ;

works fine.

But still I would like to know, if can disable react button to mouse moving over him, but now this is not important.