Eidos network community
Posted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 9:59 pm
Hi Roger!
Could you open the section: "Eidos Network community".
This is an artificial intelligence system, which I developed and perfect with your help and the help of other forum participants: http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/Presentation ... online.pdf. There are many artificial intelligence systems. Universal cognitive analytical system "Eidos-x++" differs from them in the following parameters:
- developed in a universal setting, independent of the subject area. Therefore, it is universal and can be applied in many subject areas (http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/index.htm);
- is in full open free access (http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/_Aidos-X.htm), and with the current source code (http://lc.kubagro.ru/__AIDOS-X.txt);
- is one of the first Russian systems of artificial intelligence of the personal level, i.e. it does not demand from the user special training in the field of technologies of artificial intelligence (there is an act of introduction of the Eidos system of 1987: http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/aidos02/PR-4.htm);
- provides a stable identification in a comparable form of force and direction of cause-effect relationships in incomplete noisy interdependent (nonlinear) data of very large dimensions of numerical and non-numerical nature, measured in different types of scales (nominal, ordinal and numerical) and in different units of measurement;
- contains a large number of on-premises (supplied with the installation) and cloud-based learning and scientific applications (currently there are about 30 and 128, respectively);
- provides multi-language interface support in 44 languages. Language databases are included in the installation and can be replenished automatically;
- supports on-line environment of knowledge accumulation and is widely used all over the world (http://aidos.byethost5.com/map3.php).
Could you open the section: "Eidos Network community".
This is an artificial intelligence system, which I developed and perfect with your help and the help of other forum participants: http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/Presentation ... online.pdf. There are many artificial intelligence systems. Universal cognitive analytical system "Eidos-x++" differs from them in the following parameters:
- developed in a universal setting, independent of the subject area. Therefore, it is universal and can be applied in many subject areas (http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/index.htm);
- is in full open free access (http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/_Aidos-X.htm), and with the current source code (http://lc.kubagro.ru/__AIDOS-X.txt);
- is one of the first Russian systems of artificial intelligence of the personal level, i.e. it does not demand from the user special training in the field of technologies of artificial intelligence (there is an act of introduction of the Eidos system of 1987: http://lc.kubagro.ru/aidos/aidos02/PR-4.htm);
- provides a stable identification in a comparable form of force and direction of cause-effect relationships in incomplete noisy interdependent (nonlinear) data of very large dimensions of numerical and non-numerical nature, measured in different types of scales (nominal, ordinal and numerical) and in different units of measurement;
- contains a large number of on-premises (supplied with the installation) and cloud-based learning and scientific applications (currently there are about 30 and 128, respectively);
- provides multi-language interface support in 44 languages. Language databases are included in the installation and can be replenished automatically;
- supports on-line environment of knowledge accumulation and is widely used all over the world (http://aidos.byethost5.com/map3.php).