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One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:17 am
by Jose Marte2
Greetings, as they are, I need to please your help again, I'm migrating from little by little to windows environment my system made in clipper, it is happening to me that in PCs that have office after 2010 I get the following error when I run the program XBPACTIVEXCONTROL: CREATE XBPTOOLBAR: CREATE (2006), look for help in google and tell me that I have a problem and that I need to register an ocx MSCOMCTL.OCX, with the instruction regsvr32 in windows \ system32 for windows 32 bit and windows \ sysWow64 for windows 64 bit , I have done it in all the ways they explain to me and I get the following error THE MODULE "mscomclt.ocx" WAS LOADED BUT THE CALL TO DLLREGISTERSERVER FAILED WITH ERROR CODE 0X8002801C. Please forgive the inconvenience if someone could help me or guide how to resolve this. Many thanks in advance.

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 6:56 am
by rdonnay
Alaska's XbpToolBar class was an afterthought. It was added to Xbase++ about 10 years after the first release.
Rather than creating it the correct way (using XbpStatic and XbpPushbutton objects) they took a shortcut and used a Microsoft ActiveX control. Not a good idea for all the reasons you are experiencing.

Have you looked at eXpress++?

eXpress++ toolbars are much simpler in design.

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 7:10 am
by Jose Marte2
rdonnay wrote:Alaska's XbpToolBar class was an afterthought. It was added to Xbase++ about 10 years after the first release.
Rather than creating it the correct way (using XbpStatic and XbpPushbutton objects) they took a shortcut and used a Microsoft ActiveX control. Not a good idea for all the reasons you are experiencing.

Have you looked at eXpress++?

eXpress++ toolbars are much simpler in design.

Thank you very much mr. Roger, yes but I have a function that I had a friend who creates and controls the XPBTOOLBAR very well and effecient, I pass the example, I could tell if I can do the same with eXpress ++ toolbars and would appreciate any suggestion or example.

STATIC PROCEDURE EditToolBarReporte( oDlgFW, cBarra )

oDA := oDlgFW:drawingArea
oTBar := CrearToobarVentanaEdicion( oDA )
//oTbar:textAlign := XBPALIGN_RIGHT

oBotton := oTBar:addItem("ESC RETORNAR", 130,,130,,,'SA')
oBotton:tooltipText = ConvToOemCP("Retornar Al Menu")
oTBar:transparentColor := GRA_CLR_INVALID
oTBar:buttonClick := {|oButton| EjecutarTBReporte( oButton:key ) }
oTBar:setColorBG( GraMakeRGBColor( {175,201,235} ) )

IF "B" $ cBarra // Consultar
oBotton :=oTBar:addItem("F3 CONSULTAR", 134,,134,,,'BU')
oBotton:tooltipText = ConvToOemCP("Consulta De Campo Correspondiente")

IF "V" $ cBarra // Borrar
oBotton :=oTBar:addItem("F2 BORRAR", 133,,133,,,'VO')
oBotton:tooltipText = ConvToOemCP("Borrar o Eliminar Registro")

IF "I" $ cBarra // Imprimir
oBotton :=oTBar:addItem("F7 IMPRIMIR", 131,,131,,,'IM')
oBotton:tooltipText = ConvToOemCP("Imprimir Listado General De Clientes")

IF "C" $ cBarra // Cambiar Codigo Cliente
oBotton :=oTBar:addItem("F5 CAMBIAR", 138,,138,,,'CA')
oBotton:tooltipText = ConvToOemCP("Cambiar Codigo Cliente")

IF "D" $ cBarra // Activar o Desactivar Cliente
oBotton :=oTBar:addItem("F9 STATUS", 139,,139,,,'DE')
oBotton:tooltipText = ConvToOemCP("Activar o Desactivar Cliente")

IF "G" $ cBarra // Guardar Informacion
oBotton :=oTBar:addItem("F12 PROCESAR", 405,,405,,,'GU')
oBotton:tooltipText = ConvToOemCP("Procesar o Guardar Informacion En Pantalla")

FUNCTION CrearToobarVentanaEdicion( oDRAW )
LOCAL oTbar := XbpToolBar():new( oDRAW )

oTBar:create(oDRAW ,, {0,oDRAW:currentSize()[2]-50}, ;
{oDRAW:currentSize()[1],60} )

oTBar:imageWidth := 16
oTBar:imageHeight := 16
oTBar:showToolTips:= .T.
oTBar:style := XBPTOOLBAR_STYLE_FLAT // Para Los Botones


Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:00 am
by rdonnay
eXpress++ is a very different method of developing GUI applications.

If you are just starting out with your application, then it would help you very much.
On the other hand, if you have already written most of your application using Xbase++, then probably it will not help you.

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 10:02 am
by Jose Marte2
rdonnay wrote:eXpress++ is a very different method of developing GUI applications.

If you are just starting out with your application, then it would help you very much.
On the other hand, if you have already written most of your application using Xbase++, then probably it will not help you.

ok, mr. Roger thank you very much. I will see what I can do to apply your wise advice.

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 12:43 pm
by Auge_Ohr
Rather than creating it the correct way (using XbpStatic and XbpPushbutton objects)
my DXE Lib include native Controls without MSCOMCTL.OCX.
it have Class DXE_Toolbar / DXE_ToolBarButton with same Syntax like Xbase++.

include LIB is for Xbase++ v1.9x (NOT v2.x !)
for Xbase++ v1.9x
need ot4xb.DLL (include)
(526.7 KiB) Downloaded 940 times
p.s. have also other native Controls like REBAR, Listview, Progressbar with iTasklist Interface and more

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 1:24 pm
by patito
Estimado Jose

1) Crea un archivo de txt
2) Ingresa el siguiente texto: regsvr32 C:WINDOWSSYSTEMmshflxgd.ocx (recuerda tener presente la ubicación y el nombre exacto del archivo que necesitas que se registre, este es solo un ejemplo).

3) Guarda el Archivo con extension .bat (Un archivo por lotes) de los MS-DOS clásicos.

4) Luego ubica el archivo que acabas de crear y dale un Clic derecho para ejecutarlo como administrador.

5)Dale Aceptar al mensaje.

Para archivos DLL el proceso es el mismo.

Recuerda ejecutar como administrador (clic derecho sobre el bat -> Ejecutar como administrador).

Revisar bien el activex, que se encuentre el directorio respectivo, y que corresponda a la version del windows instalado en el equipo


Hector Pezoa (

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:16 pm
by Jose Marte2
patito wrote:Estimado Jose

1) Crea un archivo de txt
2) Ingresa el siguiente texto: regsvr32 C:WINDOWSSYSTEMmshflxgd.ocx (recuerda tener presente la ubicación y el nombre exacto del archivo que necesitas que se registre, este es solo un ejemplo).

3) Guarda el Archivo con extension .bat (Un archivo por lotes) de los MS-DOS clásicos.

4) Luego ubica el archivo que acabas de crear y dale un Clic derecho para ejecutarlo como administrador.

5)Dale Aceptar al mensaje.

Para archivos DLL el proceso es el mismo.

Recuerda ejecutar como administrador (clic derecho sobre el bat -> Ejecutar como administrador).

Revisar bien el activex, que se encuentre el directorio respectivo, y que corresponda a la version del windows instalado en el equipo


Hector Pezoa (
Mil gracias, Sr. Hector, Muchas gracias.

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:19 pm
by Jose Marte2
Auge_Ohr wrote:
Rather than creating it the correct way (using XbpStatic and XbpPushbutton objects)
my DXE Lib include native Controls without MSCOMCTL.OCX.
it have Class DXE_Toolbar / DXE_ToolBarButton with same Syntax like Xbase++.

include LIB is for Xbase++ v1.9x (NOT v2.x !)
p.s. have also other native Controls like REBAR, Listview, Progressbar with iTasklist Interface and more

Thank you very much, Mr. Thank you very much, excellent, I am working with xbase version 1.90.347

Re: One help please, problem to run system

Posted: Fri Apr 06, 2018 2:22 pm
by Auge_Ohr
Jose Marte2 wrote:Thank you very much, Mr. Thank you very much, excellent, I am working with xbase version 1.90.347
that is a BETA Version :!: why not use 1.9.355 :?:
there is a (free) PATCH (16.8Mb) to upgrade from (Original) v1.9.331 to 1.9.355 SL1