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DCdialog blink
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2010 10:10 am
by digitsoft
Roger tengo problemas con dcdialog Ya que al cargar parpaean mucho
Re: DCdialog blink
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2010 11:33 am
by rdonnay
If you are having a problem, can you provide a sample program?
Re: DCdialog blink
Posted: Mon Jun 07, 2010 5:01 am
by digitsoft
Hi Roger
The problem is that loading the screen much palpaden
Nolberto Paulino
Re: DCdialog blink
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 10:54 am
by digitsoft
Hi Roger
This is in the HELP eXpress, but I still blinking
Nolberto Paulino
DCREAD GUI - Read the DIALOG GetList with the GUI reader (GUI) 1.3
CLEAREVENTS will clear all events from the event queue before
starting up the event loop. Many times there are many extra
xbeP_Paint events created by DC_ReadGui(), especially when
creating browse screens to insure that all browse objects are
stablized. If you see a flicker in the screen at startup it
is recommended that you use the CLEAREVENTS clause.
Re: DCdialog blink
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 11:22 am
by Tom
Hi, Nolberto.
CLEAREVENTS works good. I have several huge dialogs which used to flicker, but they stopped this behaviour with "clearevents". You make look for unneeded DC_Getrefreshs, oDialog:InvalidateRect and stuff like this in your code. Maybe you do something inside the EVAL clause of DCREAD GUI which causes the dialog to paint again.
Re: DCdialog blink
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2010 1:01 pm
by digitsoft
Hi, Tom
This is what I have in some DCREAD
DCREAD GUI TITLE 'Consulta de Productos'+SPACE(5)+'Depósito Nº:'+LEFT(aBuscar(aDepositos,LEFT(xCodDep,2),2),25) ;
OPTIONS GetOptions ;
TO lOk ;
eval {|| oBrowse :hScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oBrowse :vScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oBrowse2:hScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oBrowse2:vScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T. ;
DCREAD GUI FIT MODAL TITLE "Pedido de Venta "+IIF(cTipoModulo = "VR","Rápida",IIF(cTipoModulo = "VS","Sin Cajero","Con Cajero")) PARENT @oDlg ; &&&&& APPWINDOW oDialog
OPTIONS GetOptions ;
eval {|o| o:setFrameState( XBPDLG_FRAMESTAT_MAXIMIZED ),;
iif(lDocumento,(lCodProd := .T.,BuscarDocumento( aApp, GetList, "PD" ),SetAppFocus( oCodProd )),SetAppFocus( IIF((lModificarCliente .or. lModificarTipoDeVenta) .AND. cTipoModulo # "VR",oCodCli,IIF(lModificarCliente .AND. cTipoModulo # "VR",oFormaVenta,oCodProd )) ) ),;
oFPendiente :hScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oFPendiente :vScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oDetalles :hScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oDetalles :vScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oUPrecioVenta :hScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oUPrecioVenta :vScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oDetalleDeOferta:vScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oDPendiente :hScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.,;
oDPendiente :vScrollObject:useVisualStyle := .T.;