Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 2:08 am
I am using DC_PRINTFILE for print content of text file to "virtual" printer - via profile in PDF Creator. This profile create me PDF file.
I do not know , how set parameters for page. I have problem with pagesize.
For A4 page size is 210x297, then I examine PAGESIZE set to 2100,2970, but in PDF is only "small page"
Correct size is only when set to PAGESIZE 4500,7000 or near this number.
Parameter SIZE not affect to output.
I also examine VIEWPORT with parameters 100,100,3900,6600
Here is my part of source
DCPRINT OPTIONS TO aOptions NAME 'RauknReport' ;
BUSYMESSAGE "Generujem tlačovú zostavu" ;
VIEWPORT 100,100,3900,6600 ;
MARGIN {-1,0} ; // prvé číslo horný okraj, druhé ľavý
TO aOptions
DCPRINT OPTIONS TO aOptions NAME 'RauknReport' ;
BUSYMESSAGE "Generujem tlačovú zostavu" ;
PAGESIZE 4500,7000 ;
MARGIN {-1,0} ; // prvé číslo horný okraj, druhé ľavý
TO aOptions
How can I calculate size of output ?
Font i set here :
DC_PRINTFILE(suborptk2,.F.,"11.Courier New",aOptions)
I am using DC_PRINTFILE for print content of text file to "virtual" printer - via profile in PDF Creator. This profile create me PDF file.
I do not know , how set parameters for page. I have problem with pagesize.
For A4 page size is 210x297, then I examine PAGESIZE set to 2100,2970, but in PDF is only "small page"
Correct size is only when set to PAGESIZE 4500,7000 or near this number.
Parameter SIZE not affect to output.
I also examine VIEWPORT with parameters 100,100,3900,6600
Here is my part of source
DCPRINT OPTIONS TO aOptions NAME 'RauknReport' ;
BUSYMESSAGE "Generujem tlačovú zostavu" ;
VIEWPORT 100,100,3900,6600 ;
MARGIN {-1,0} ; // prvé číslo horný okraj, druhé ľavý
TO aOptions
DCPRINT OPTIONS TO aOptions NAME 'RauknReport' ;
BUSYMESSAGE "Generujem tlačovú zostavu" ;
PAGESIZE 4500,7000 ;
MARGIN {-1,0} ; // prvé číslo horný okraj, druhé ľavý
TO aOptions
How can I calculate size of output ?
Font i set here :
DC_PRINTFILE(suborptk2,.F.,"11.Courier New",aOptions)