Delaunay triangulation in Alaska
Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:11 am
I am interested in the possibility of implementing a Delaunay triangulation in Alaska for mapping applications:
Initial data presented in the form of an array or a database of coordinates of points: XYZ
As a result, you should get a database of triangles:
N triangle, X1Y1Z1, X2Y2Z2, X3Y3Z3
And then you can paint with a gradient triangles, as shown by Jimmy: ... 8&start=20
Delaunay triangulation program in C#:
Delaunay triangulation on Visual Basic Application for MS Excel: ... ylist.html
Initial data presented in the form of an array or a database of coordinates of points: XYZ
As a result, you should get a database of triangles:
N triangle, X1Y1Z1, X2Y2Z2, X3Y3Z3
And then you can paint with a gradient triangles, as shown by Jimmy: ... 8&start=20
Delaunay triangulation program in C#:
Delaunay triangulation on Visual Basic Application for MS Excel: ... ylist.html
Code: Select all
Public Function TriangulationDelaunay(point As Variant) As Variant
Attribute TriangulationDelaunay.VB_Description = "Построение системы треугольников по набору точек point=mmatrix(XY)."
Attribute TriangulationDelaunay.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Func = "\n28"
Dim n As Long
Dim nt As Long
Dim h As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long
Dim l As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim hn As Long
Dim hf As Boolean
Dim kt As Long
Dim kr As Double
Dim counta As Long
Dim counttr As Long
Dim minX As Double
Dim maxK As Double
Dim minlen As Double
Dim x1 As Double
Dim x2 As Double
Dim x3 As Double
Dim y1 As Double
Dim y2 As Double
Dim y3 As Double
Dim ax As Double
Dim ay As Double
Dim bx As Double
Dim by As Double
Dim xa As Double
Dim ya As Double
Dim sa As Double
Dim sb As Double
Dim sc As Double
Dim x As Double
Dim y As Double
Dim x0 As Double
Dim y0 As Double
Dim k1 As Double
Dim k2 As Double
Dim xx As Double
Dim yy As Double
Dim len1 As Double
Dim t1 As Double
Dim t2 As Double
Dim t3 As Double
Dim xc As Double
Dim yc As Double
Dim r2c As Double
Dim r2 As Double
Dim alive() As Long
Dim tri() As Long
Dim res() As Long
n = UBound(point)
nt = n * 10
counta = 0
ReDim alive(1 To nt, 1 To 4)
ReDim tri(1 To nt, 1 To 3)
i = 1
minX = point(1, 1)
For h = 2 To n
If point(h, 1) < minX Then
minX = point(h, 1)
i = h
End If
Next h
alive(1, 1) = i
maxK = 0
For h = 1 To n
If h <> i Then
If point(h, 1) = point(i, 1) Then
j = h
h = n
kr = Abs((point(h, 2) - point(i, 2)) / (point(h, 1) - point(i, 1)))
If kr > maxK Then
maxK = kr
j = h
End If
End If
End If
Next h
alive(1, 2) = j
alive(1, 3) = -1
counta = 1
counttr = 0
h = 1
kt = counta
Do While (counta > 0 And kt < nt - 2)
m = 0
hf = False
hn = 0
For h = 1 To kt
If (alive(h, 3) <> 0) And alive(h, 4) = 0 Then
m = h
h = kt
End If
Next h
If m > 0 Then
counta = counta - 1
i = alive(m, 1)
j = alive(m, 2)
k = alive(m, 3)
x1 = point(i, 1)
y1 = point(i, 2)
x2 = point(j, 1)
y2 = point(j, 2)
hn = 0
For h = 1 To n
hf = False
If (h <> i) And (h <> j) And (h <> k) Then
x3 = point(h, 1)
y3 = point(h, 2)
sc = x1 * (y2 - y3) + x2 * (y3 - y1) + x3 * (y1 - y2)
If sc <> 0 Then
t1 = x1 ^ 2 + y1 ^ 2
t2 = x2 ^ 2 + y2 ^ 2
t3 = x3 ^ 2 + y3 ^ 2
sa = t1 * (y2 - y3) + t2 * (y3 - y1) + t3 * (y1 - y2)
sb = t1 * (x2 - x3) + t2 * (x3 - x1) + t3 * (x1 - x2)
xc = 0.5 * sa / sc
yc = -0.5 * sb / sc
r2c = (x1 - xc) ^ 2 + (y1 - yc) ^ 2
For l = 1 To n
If (l <> i) And (l <> j) And (l <> h) Then
hf = True
x = point(l, 1)
y = point(l, 2)
r2 = (x - xc) ^ 2 + (y - yc) ^ 2
If r2 < r2c Then
hf = False
hn = 0
l = n
hf = True
End If
End If
Next l
End If
End If
If hf Then
hn = h
h = n
End If
Next h
If hf Then
alive(m, 4) = hn
k = 0
For h = 1 To kt
If (alive(h, 1) = i And alive(h, 2) = hn) Or (alive(h, 1) = hn And alive(h, 2) = i) Then
If alive(h, 3) <> 0 Then k = h
h = kt
End If
Next h
If k = 0 Then
kt = kt + 1
alive(kt, 1) = i
alive(kt, 2) = hn
alive(kt, 3) = j
counta = counta + 1
ElseIf k > 0 Then
alive(k, 4) = j
counta = counta - 1
End If
k = 0
For h = 1 To kt
If (alive(h, 1) = j And alive(h, 2) = hn) Or (alive(h, 1) = hn And alive(h, 2) = j) Then
If alive(h, 3) <> 0 Then k = h
h = kt
End If
Next h
If k = 0 Then
kt = kt + 1
alive(kt, 1) = j
alive(kt, 2) = hn
alive(kt, 3) = i
counta = counta + 1
ElseIf k > 0 Then
alive(k, 4) = i
counta = counta - 1
End If
counttr = counttr + 1
tri(counttr, 1) = i
tri(counttr, 2) = j
tri(counttr, 3) = hn
alive(m, 4) = -1
End If
End If
ReDim res(1 To counttr, 1 To 3)
For h = 1 To counttr
For m = 1 To 3
res(h, m) = tri(h, m)
Next m
Next h
TriangulationDelaunay = res
End Function