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Distinguishes whether ASCAN () small and big letters?

Posted: Sat May 03, 2014 10:08 am
by Eugene Lutsenko
Distinguishes whether ASCAN () small and big letters?
What to do to make this function distinguish big and small letters?

Re: Distinguishes whether ASCAN () small and big letters?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 7:29 am
by Wolfgang Ciriack
You can use f.e.

Code: Select all

p:=AScan(aArray,{|a| upper(a[1])=="MAYER"})
This find every "MAYER" or "mayer" or "Mayer" .or. ...

Re: Distinguishes whether ASCAN () small and big letters?

Posted: Sun May 04, 2014 10:47 pm
by Eugene Lutsenko
I could not do that ASCAN () distinguish large and small characters. Do not pray and SET EXACT and SET LEXICAL. Had to compare items with Creed on ASCII, then everything worked as I wanted:

Code: Select all

M_Symb = ASC(SUBSTR(Fv, w, 1))
IF ASCAN(A_SymbCls, M_Symb) = 0
    AADD( A_SymbCls, M_Symb)    // Массив наименований градаций класс.шкал (классов)