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define the array of the BUTTONS aMenuItems of OutlookBar

Posted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:13 am
by digitsoft
Hi Roger
You can define the array of the BUTTONS aMenuItems you have in the example of OutlookBar

Paulino Nolberto
A cordial greeting

Re: define the array of the BUTTONS aMenuItems of OutlookBa

Posted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:16 am
by rdonnay
I don't understand your question. This is the code from the sample. It shows how the button array is defined.

Code: Select all

aButtons := { ;
   { 'Accounts Payable', 'AccountsPayable.Exe', '', 'calendar.bmp' }, ;
   { 'Technical Support', '', '', 'design.bmp' }, ;
   { 'Payroll 2000', 'Payroll2000.exe', '', 'display.bmp'  }, ;
   { 'Cash Receipts', 'CashReceipts.Exe', '', 'copyclip.bmp' }, ;
   { 'Google Search', '', '', 'colorset.bmp' }, ;
   { 'Payroll 2000', 'Payroll2000.exe', '', 'display.bmp'  }, ;
   { 'Snyffle', '', '', 'expicon.bmp' }, ;
   { 'Taxes && Utilities', 'TAXESANDUTILITIES.Exe', '', 'dialog.bmp' }, ;
   { 'Notepad', 'Notepad.Exe', '', 'editmemo.bmp' } }

oDlg := DC_XbpDialog1():new(,,{100,100},{1000,800})
oDlg:title := 'BMSI Outlook Bar Test Program'
oDlg:taskList := .t.

oOutlookBar := OutlookBar():new( oDlg )
oOutlookBar:menuArray := aMenuItems
oOutlookBar:buttonArray := aButtons