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Windows 8

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:05 am
by bwolfsohn
SInce no one has responded to my windows 8 dcprint on acrobat problem, let's enlarge the question..

Has anyone had any experience/success/problems with clients running windows 8 at all ??

Re: Windows 8

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 8:28 am
by skiman
Hi Brian,

We already have some customers working with Windows 8 without any problem. I don't use the 'dcprint acrobat', so I don't know if that is a problem. We are using pdfcreator to create PDf files since years, and that is working on Windows 8. Otherwise I'm using the standard preview of dcprint if a preview is wanted.

Re: Windows 8

Posted: Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:37 am
by Cliff Wiernik
For PDF's we could use one of two tools, licensed for both. PDF support from gdpicture. We use it for our imaging processing for TIFF files. We also have the developer version of the AmyUni PDF creator because that is what is used by the R&R (Liveware) Report writer, ReportWork. That also works well and can be configured to control printing but we let the report writer do that currently. Do use it to rotate PDFs though.

As for Windows 8, I have a home professional version at home that I bought because my Win7 home machine failed. I promptly loaded the Start8 program go get back my Windows7 interface. My experience has been less than desired. Don't know if it was the process to transfer my Win7 applications from the old computer hard drive or something else, but it will not load two updates from Dec 2012 and I can't seem to get that fixed. Don't know what is the cause. In addition, it sometimes logs itself out and I must reboot (or once revert to a prior restore point to get it to login in). Sometimes it just freezes.

So Windows8 is not ready for prime time.