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Re: dc_autorestorebrowse

#11 Post by Koverhage »

i don't think so.
The #ifdef Statements works at compile time and not at runtime.
Also my tests are
1. delete the key in registry
2. Run the prog and call the function many times

The first call is ok, no Brwose setting is stored.
The second call and the following calls failed with the message Your Saved Browse configuration cannot be restored:
so it must have another cause.

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Re: dc_autorestorebrowse

#12 Post by Tom »

Hi, Klaus.

It happens if:

a) you add a column to a browse
b) you delete a column from a browse
c) you change the column sizes (dynamic width?)
d) you use the same browse-ID for two different browses

I do use this functionality for > 200 browses in my major app, and I only face this message if I add columns to a browse and forget to change the previous ID.
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Re: dc_autorestorebrowse

#13 Post by Koverhage »

Hi, Tom.

i do nothing of this things.
I delete the Entry in the registry ,
then i start the prog and call the first dcbrowse

This browse show the customer, then i click the invoice button,
a fuction is called. In this function the invoices from this customer are listed (in the upper half of the screen)
At the kower half of the screen, the positions of the invoice are listed.
dc_autorestorebrowse creates a entry in the registry.
Then i left the browse and do it again, without deleting the entry in the registry.

a=NO, b=NO, c=NO, d=NO

But for this (i think) i use this functionality. If the user change column sizes, the new sizes should be stored, so
the user has his own settings.

Maybe i can describe this better in german ;-)

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Re: dc_autorestorebrowse

#14 Post by rdonnay »

I looked at your source code again and I think I may see other problems. You have 3 calls to DC_AutoRestoreBrowse() in the same dialog, each pointing to a different registry section.

This will confuse everything, because the DC_AutoRestoreBrowse() system was never designed to be dynamic like this.

If you need to do this, then I will need to add a new clause to the @..DCBROWSE command to give each specific browse a place in the registry.
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