If DCBROWSECOL is used with DRAG/DRAGDIALOG, dragging starts anyway, even if the mouse points to the heading area. Besides this conflicts with column resizing, it seems not to be very useful to drag heading/footing data, but only those from the dataarea. Since the column object is handed to the DRAG/DRAGDIALOG codeblocks, it's hard to find out whether the mouse was clicked in the dataarea or somewhere else in the column.
I changed this in line 4322 of _DCGETBX.PRG (build 260):
Code: Select all
IF IsMemberVar(oDrop,'DRAGBLOCK') .AND. ValType(oDro:dragBlock) == 'B'
Code: Select all
IF IsMemberVar(oDrop,'DRAGBLOCK') .AND. ValType(oDro:dragBlock) == 'B' ;
.AND. !(oXbp:IsDerivedFrom('XbpCellGroup') .AND. (oXbp == oXbp:Parent:Heading .or. oXbp == oXbp:Parent:Footing))
Besides, in DCDIALOG.CH I found an option "TYPE" between the DRAG and the DRAGDIALOG clause. What is this used for?