Hi Roger,
I will briefly examine in the next time all your demo programs from XDEMO.EXE and write to you the error messages. In the course of time some demos do not work anymore (due to program errors, missing files, etc.). Maybe you can fix this in time for the new release.
here some first errors
Sample Programs Set5 - "PresEditor" (XSample_135) - "Save to Source Code" - Error-Base/3 Parameter hat falschen Typ (XDEMO(48))
Sample Programs Set5 - "Stack" (XSample_137) - cannot find file xsample8.prg
Sample Programs Set5 - "FileGroup1" (XSample_138) - File Group MYSTUFF not in DCFILES.DBF Dictionary file
xdemo - some errors to fix
xdemo - some errors to fix
best regards