May have posted previously, not sure.
Get this error message daily, usually 2-3 times a day.
oError:args :
oError:description : Parameter has a wrong data type
oError:filename :
oError:genCode : 2
oError:operation :
Called from DC_XBPGET:SETDATA(781)
Called from (B)DC_XBPGET:INIT(269)
Called from DC_GETLIST:EVENTLOOP(4388)
Called from DC_GETLIST:READGUI(3647)
Called from DC_READGUI(103)
Not from any specific menu option, but most of the time a selected few that are used all day at all locations.
From what I can tell it is from _dcxbpgt.prg and the line is:
IF ::isCalc
So, appears to be expecting a logical an is getting a null(?).
Cannot repeat here, cannot find any of our warning messages that may get hidden behind a window that would cause an oddity.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
Setdata error
Re: Setdata error
I suspect this problem could be caused by changing the type of a get object.
You need to determine which DCGET object is causing the problem.
You need to determine which DCGET object is causing the problem.
The eXpress train is coming - and it has more cars.