What is the maximum number that can be written to the database?

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Eugene Lutsenko
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What is the maximum number that can be written to the database?

#1 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

What is the maximum number that can be written to the database? What structure should it have for this?

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Re: What is the maximum number that can be written to the database?

#2 Post by Auge_Ohr »

Eugene Lutsenko wrote: Thu Oct 15, 2020 7:41 pm What is the maximum number that can be written to the database?
What structure should it have for this?
look at FOXDBE (DATA-Komponente)
Tabellen Dateigröße Limitiert auf 2^31 Bytes (2 Gigabyte)
Max. Anzahl Felder 2038 *)
Max. Anzahl Datensätze (2^31 - Header() - 1) / RecSize()
more Field -> less Records to reach 2 GB.

the Problem is DBFDBE_LOCKOFFSET which default is 1000000000 which is Cl*pper compatible
you can change to max. 2.4GB using 8FFFFFFF (not 0x80000000 )

but this is not compatible any more :!:


under harbour you can use extend DBF up to 2^41 -> 2TB (Terabyte) max file size

have found this Message
https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic ... Fc6qLTERi8

Code: Select all

#include "dbinfo.ch"
but it need 64 Bit App
greetings by OHR

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