In version 254 the following was ok:
Code: Select all
@ 12,40 DCSAY {||"Current 'Other' Balance = $"+nTrim(nTotOther)+space(10)}
Code: Select all
@ 12,40 DCSAY {||"Current "+chr(39)+"Other"+chr(39)+" Balance = $"+nTrim(nTotOther)+space(10)}
Code: Select all
@ 2,24 DCSAY IIF(aCurCal[1,ccalStatus]='Y',"Exact Only","")
Code: Select all
@ 2,24 DCSAY IIF(aCurCal[1,ccalStatus]="Y","Exact Only","")
Also vertical alignment of text on DC_XbpPushButtonXP now seems to include the shadow so the text is not centered on the button if a shadow is defined. (This is very noticeable on thin buttons with a shadow of 5 or 6)