Alaska and the Internet

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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#21 Post by rdonnay »

1. Reverso (excellent). I will now use probably this translator.
2. Promt (satisfactorily)
I do not agree.

Reverso translates to the word base, whereas Yandex translates to the word database.
Reverso translates to the word card, whereas Yandex translates to the word map.

I would much easier understand your translations if they used terms that are translated by Yandex.

Does anyone else on this forum agree with me? Please pipe in.
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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#22 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

I made a return translation from English on Russian with the aid of google. It turned out best with translation Reverso. But, of course, on one phrase to judge probably not properly. It is necessary more translations. I paid attention not to correctness of translation of separate words, but to correctness of translation of common sense of all phrase.

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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#23 Post by Auge_Ohr »

i still not understand what you try ...

a FTP Server is not a Website ... it is just for up-/download files.
as you want to read/write on FTP Server i do not know if FTP can "share" files to multiple User ?!

if you want to write a own Server Backend use CXP or Xb2net to run "on" Server.
greetings by OHR

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#24 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »


I wanted to make so that in the program there was a mode enabling to look up on the world card , where and when she was started.

To make it is , I created site:, on which located following PHP-code as file index.php:

Code: Select all

  $file = 'test_strings.txt';                                 // файл 
  define("divider", ",");                                     // разделитель
  $logdate = date("d.m.y,G:i:s");                             // дата, время
  $ip = getenv('HTTP_X_REAL_IP');                             // ip-адрес
  if ( $ip == '' ) $ip = 'unknown';                           // проверяем, определился ли ip-адрес
  $var=file_get_contents('' . $ip);  // определяем регион, город и его геогр.координаты
  $log = $logdate . divider . $var ;                          // формируем строку
  file_put_contents($file, $log, FILE_APPEND | LOCK_EX);      // пишем содержимое в файл
  echo '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;URL=">';    // Редирект на основной сайт
Such reference to this site from my program:

Code: Select all

DC_SpawnURL( '', .T., .T. )
results in the fact that to textual file: test _ strings.txt is added type line:

To image this information, I by software скачиваю on ftp this textual file and transform him to dbf-file. Then I show this dbf-file and enable to sort and to filter him on different fields.

If to specify a cartographic visualisation, then this database transforms to textual type file:
which is recorded to the same site on ftp.

After that on that site by software PHP-file (map2.php) is started:

Launch of this PHP-file from program on Alaska:

Code: Select all

DC_SpawnURL( '' )

Code: Select all

<!DOCTYPE html>
$content = file_get_contents("map_strings.txt");
$content = explode("\r\n",$content);
foreach ($content as $key=>$record) {
	$content[$key] = explode(",", $record);

<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>AIDOS map</title>
<link href="styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale = 1.0, user-scalable = no">
<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    var aMap;
        aMap = new ymaps.Map("main", {
            center: [29.00, 7.00],
            zoom: 3.3
		// Создаем геообъект с типом геометрии "Точка".
        gObj = new ymaps.GeoObject({
            // Описание геометрии.
            geometry: {
                type: "Point",
                coordinates: [<?=$content[0][10];?>, <?=$content[0][11];?>]
            // Свойства.
            properties: {
                // Контент метки.
                iconContent: '<?=$content[0][0].", ".$content[0][1];?>',
                hintContent: '<?=$content[0][2];?>'
        }, {
            // Опции.
            // Иконка метки будет растягиваться под размер ее содержимого.
            preset: 'islands#blackStretchyIcon',
			for ($i = 1; $i<count($content);$i++){
				echo ".add(new ymaps.Placemark([" . $content[$i][10].",".$content[$i][11]."], {";
				echo " iconContent: '".$content[$i][0].", ".$content[$i][1]."',";
				echo " hintContent: '".$content[$i][2]."'}, {  preset: 'islands#blackStretchyIcon' }))";
<div id="wrapper">
	<div id="main">


This PHP-file supplies a cartographic visualisation of the base: map _ strings.txt:

To look up as it appears in the program I advise:
1. Скачать system “E'jdos” from the page: (for example:
2. To deploy archive in root-catalogue of any disk and to launch to execution : _AIDOS-X.exe.
3. From the main menu to launch mode 6.9.
4. In this mode to choose display on the card : “To image ALL”.
Мне it would be interesting too, since I would see on the world card , where you are.

PHP-code developed: Kramer Alexey Semenovich: ... taff/3395/
and everything else I developed: ... taff/3965/

In the archive: there are files with total initial dough of the system “E'jdos”: _AIDOS-X.prg, _ AIDOS-X.txt, _ AIDOS-X.doc.
In these files there is function:

Code: Select all

FUNCTION Xb2NetKey () 
PUBLIC Ftp_User:= “***” 
PUBLIC Ftp_Passw:= “***” 
Return (put your Xb2.NET license key here) // <--- put your Xb2.NET license key here
This function should be launched at launch of the main program to execution. There is in it a name and the password of access to the site on ftp and key to Xb2.NET library.

In the system “E'jdos” does all of this function 6.9.

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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#25 Post by Auge_Ohr »

Eugene Lutsenko wrote:... To image this information, I by software скачиваю on ftp this textual file and transform him to dbf-file. Then I show this dbf-file and enable to sort and to filter him on different fields.
as i ask : how does it work on FTP Server with multi User to share same files and lock it ?
greetings by OHR

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#26 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

Auge_Ohr wrote:
Eugene Lutsenko wrote:... To image this information, I by software скачиваю on ftp this textual file and transform him to dbf-file. Then I show this dbf-file and enable to sort and to filter him on different fields.
as i ask : how does it work on FTP Server with multi User to share same files and lock it ?
When the user starts the system of E'jdos, then information is added of him to one file (test_strings.txt), and when information is displayed of him on the card another file (map_strings.txt) is used. So, that even with the most surprising coincidence of circumstances, if to the system of E'jdos simultaneously big number of users addresses, and exactly in this moment somebody watchs them on the card , then next time he will see their all. Just as the counters consider and display visitors on sites on the card.

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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#27 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

rdonnay wrote:
1. Reverso (excellent). I will now use probably this translator.
2. Promt (satisfactorily)
I do not agree.

Reverso translates to the word base, whereas Yandex translates to the word database.
Reverso translates to the word card, whereas Yandex translates to the word map.

I would much easier understand your translations if they used terms that are translated by Yandex.

Does anyone else on this forum agree with me? Please pipe in.
We have in the journal: there is a very good translator. He lived 5 years in USA, he has 2 higher education. He says that the translator is weak. That Yandex is better:

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Eugene Lutsenko
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Re: Alaska and the Internet

#28 Post by Eugene Lutsenko »

The last thing done in this mode, 6.9, did it almost without using ftp. I did this because at the University he always blocked by security policies. Cost http, except for date range, because it requires fetching and reloading the database on the site, i.e. ftp.

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