Code: Select all
/// <code id="ccfe068a-ffa3-4a06-8e23-6920cdd70804" version="1.0.0"/>
/// <summary>
/// Dynamically create an image
/// </summary>
/// <objective>
/// The dynamic content returned by CXP pages is not limited to
/// simple HTML. Instead, arbitrary content can be generated.
/// In this sample, a GIF image is created in CXP code and
/// is then returned to the browser. No HTML markup is used here.
/// Instead, the member variable :ContentType and the method
/// :WriteBinary() of the HTTP response object are used to send
/// the image data back to the browser.
/// </objective>
/// <load>load_grafik.html</load>
/// <author name="Alaska Software Inc." year="2011"></author>
/// <order id="100"/>
/// <category order="100" tags="advanced"/>
<%#code locality="page-global"%>
/// Calculates the differences of two colors in means
/// of readable contrast.
FUNCTION LuminosityDiff(aRGB1,aRGB2)
L1 := 0.2126 * (aRGB1[1]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.7152 * (aRGB1[2]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.0722 * (aRGB1[3]/255 ^ 2.2)
L2 := 0.2126 * (aRGB2[1]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.7152 * (aRGB2[2]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.0722 * (aRGB2[3]/255 ^ 2.2)
IF(L1 > L2)
RETURN(L1+0.05) / (L2+0.05)
RETURN (L2+0.05) / (L1+0.05)
/// Returns a RGB color pair randomly selected with an
/// readble/acceptable contrast
FUNCTION ChooseRandomColor()
// Random Select color pairs, calculate contrast and select
// only those which are readable
aRGB1 := { RandomInt(50,200) , RandomInt(50,200), RandomInt(50,200) }
aRGB2 := { RandomInt(0,255) , RandomInt(0,255), RandomInt(0,255) }
nDiff := LuminosityDiff(aRGB1,aRGB2)
RETURN( { aRGB1, aRGB2 } )
<%#code locality="page-render"%>
#include ""
#include ""
// The image created in this sample can easily be embedded in
// other HTML or CXP pages using an ordinary HTML markup.
// Example: <img src="./grafik.cxp" >.
// See load_grafik.html for an example
xs := 250
ys := 150
// Choose random colors
aColors := ChooseRandomColor()
// Create a bitmap and associate it with a
// canvas object we can use for drawing
oBmp:= XbpBitmap():New():Create()
oPS := XbpPresSpace():new():create()
oBmp:presSpace( oPS )
oBmp:make( xs , ys )
// Set up a font for text output
oFont := XbpFont():new()
oFont:familyName := "Segoe UI"
oFont:height := 16
oFont:width := 12
// Erase the bitmap with color yellow,
// then draw some text
oPS:SetColor( GraMakeRGBColor(aColors[1]), 0)
// Randomly rotate the text a bit
aMatrix := GraInitMatrix()
GraRotate( oPS , aMatrix, RandomInt(-15,15), {125,75}, GRA_TRANSFORM_ADD )
oPS:setGraTransform( aMatrix, GRA_TRANSFORM_REPLACE )
oPS:SetColor( GraMakeRGBColor(aColors[2]), 0)
GraStringAt(oPS,{10,80},"Image by Xbase++")
GraStringAt(oPS,{10,60},"Create Time " + Time())
// Get the binary image data of the bitmap
// in GIF format and send it back to the
// browser as our page result. To do this,
// we need to first specify the content/mime
// type of the binary data we send via the
// HTTP response object
::HttpResponse:ContentType := "image/gif"
::HttpResponse:WriteBinary( oBmp:SetBuffer(, XBPBMP_FORMAT_GIF) )
%>" />
I'm not particularly interested in using anything from Alaska's GUI on the Web anymore, because I've asked for fear of the HTML language, and I've become an expert at it.
But, the Alaska developers have defied "gravity", and have made the browser what they wanted, they are geniuses.
For example, I attach a source where they bring their graphic mode to the browser.
I'm very grateful to you, SlavkoDam, but when it comes to what to send to the browser, I'm already an expert. If you really want to help me, it will be by telling me or helping me send a PDF to the browser, through your library POWERWEB, or through any other library like PDFJS.
I am already using PRINT ON, and other functions of the EXPRESS library within my CXPs, because I refuse to leave behind my reports, and the design of invoice tickets, and receipts. It is strange that a library to develop WEB APP does not have a PDF converter, or at least a PDF viewer, because everything is incomplete when the documents cannot be printed. Roger went to great lengths to help his users report, and he gives us examples like customers.cxp
But, if it is a WEB library like POWERWEB, it is essential that it has a PDF viewer. Because, as I said before, an APP without printing an invoice or reports is not an APP.
At least now I was able to convert my reports through the Express library. I just need CXP, or a WEB library to allow me to send them to the browser.
Thank you very much.
/// <code id="ccfe068a-ffa3-4a06-8e23-6920cdd70804" version="1.0.0"/>
/// <summary>
/// Dynamically create an image
/// </summary>
/// <objective>
/// The dynamic content returned by CXP pages is not limited to
/// simple HTML. Instead, arbitrary content can be generated.
/// In this sample, a GIF image is created in CXP code and
/// is then returned to the browser. No HTML markup is used here.
/// Instead, the member variable :ContentType and the method
/// :WriteBinary() of the HTTP response object are used to send
/// the image data back to the browser.
/// </objective>
/// <load>load_grafik.html</load>
/// <author name="Alaska Software Inc." year="2011"></author>
/// <order id="100"/>
/// <category order="100" tags="advanced"/>
<%#code locality="page-global"%>
/// Calculates the differences of two colors in means
/// of readable contrast.
FUNCTION LuminosityDiff(aRGB1,aRGB2)
L1 := 0.2126 * (aRGB1[1]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.7152 * (aRGB1[2]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.0722 * (aRGB1[3]/255 ^ 2.2)
L2 := 0.2126 * (aRGB2[1]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.7152 * (aRGB2[2]/255 ^ 2.2) + 0.0722 * (aRGB2[3]/255 ^ 2.2)
IF(L1 > L2)
RETURN(L1+0.05) / (L2+0.05)
RETURN (L2+0.05) / (L1+0.05)
/// Returns a RGB color pair randomly selected with an
/// readble/acceptable contrast
FUNCTION ChooseRandomColor()
// Random Select color pairs, calculate contrast and select
// only those which are readable
aRGB1 := { RandomInt(50,200) , RandomInt(50,200), RandomInt(50,200) }
aRGB2 := { RandomInt(0,255) , RandomInt(0,255), RandomInt(0,255) }
nDiff := LuminosityDiff(aRGB1,aRGB2)
RETURN( { aRGB1, aRGB2 } )
<%#code locality="page-render"%>
#include ""
#include ""
// The image created in this sample can easily be embedded in
// other HTML or CXP pages using an ordinary HTML markup.
// Example: <img src="./grafik.cxp" >.
// See load_grafik.html for an example
xs := 250
ys := 150
// Choose random colors
aColors := ChooseRandomColor()
// Create a bitmap and associate it with a
// canvas object we can use for drawing
oBmp:= XbpBitmap():New():Create()
oPS := XbpPresSpace():new():create()
oBmp:presSpace( oPS )
oBmp:make( xs , ys )
// Set up a font for text output
oFont := XbpFont():new()
oFont:familyName := "Segoe UI"
oFont:height := 16
oFont:width := 12
// Erase the bitmap with color yellow,
// then draw some text
oPS:SetColor( GraMakeRGBColor(aColors[1]), 0)
// Randomly rotate the text a bit
aMatrix := GraInitMatrix()
GraRotate( oPS , aMatrix, RandomInt(-15,15), {125,75}, GRA_TRANSFORM_ADD )
oPS:setGraTransform( aMatrix, GRA_TRANSFORM_REPLACE )
oPS:SetColor( GraMakeRGBColor(aColors[2]), 0)
GraStringAt(oPS,{10,80},"Image by Xbase++")
GraStringAt(oPS,{10,60},"Create Time " + Time())
// Get the binary image data of the bitmap
// in GIF format and send it back to the
// browser as our page result. To do this,
// we need to first specify the content/mime
// type of the binary data we send via the
// HTTP response object
::HttpResponse:ContentType := "image/gif"
::HttpResponse:WriteBinary( oBmp:SetBuffer(, XBPBMP_FORMAT_GIF) )