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WEB interface

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:23 am
by Victorio
Please, who can tell me very simple, what minimal things I need to create simple web interface.?
I never created any web application,

I have Windows Server 2012 , where wil be run main server application. This works in automatic mode, I do not need manipulate with it , will be managed by Remote console. This application is now standard Xbase application, no SQL, no web, only user interface and managing databases and files.

On many offices will be install client application. Users work with it and write some informations to database.
After it transport this informations (from client database , now it is in classic DBF file) to central server, where is same database.
I examine it by sharing , but it is not secure. If user has mapping some directory on server , he can see and copy some files from it, but I do not wont enable users this. I want to do it in hidden mode.

For ths I want do it with web interface, without instal any client software on PC.
But number of clients must be unlimited a (or limited but for 20-100 users in one time).

I do not know, how I can create "way" to transport data from "my local PC" to server, what must running on server side (some Java application, or ?)

I got advice to use XB2NET, is some other ways ?


Re: WEB interface

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 8:39 am
by rdonnay
What kind of web interface do you mean? Are you wanting a web server?

What do you want it to do?

Re: WEB interface

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:09 pm
by Victorio
Hi Roger,
I thing about two ways :

1. with two applications, one on client side, second on server side, both can be similarly, and by "internet" create comunicate"channel" between them.
By this communicate channel i need send data (one or several rows from local database , that can be crypted for security) to server . Server is not "real" server, but only application which running on server, and in some interval reading incoming "packet" write it do database and processing.
This packets is writing to database and then waiting to processing as "FIFO" first in, first out..
I do not know, how create this communicate channel, and how data can sending (crete as HTML code or ?)

I have in my program one function to generate URL, and this send to web page to control it, same as Google maps. show point in map after generate URL with GPS positions.
But URL maybe is not good way, (some limit of length od url adress ?!) I found it :
"Maximum URL length is 2,083", this can be enougth for me.
But how can I receive this URL on server side, what I need install to server ?

I think of it this way:
client application after setting, selecting data... generate URL and then send it by internet browser to page (hmm "hosting" must be on server, no any location because secure data).
On server where running some module that receive this packet, save this to file. Application on server side read packet and write it to database.

2. way can be complicated, when go by internet browser (IE, Chrome,,,) to application page, then see menu, like classic web page, and can select some function from menu, select from database tables , set parameters and run process, which will be processing on server.

I do not want you with unnecessary burdens, only if you can tell me some tips, or what I must to study :?:


Re: WEB interface

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 1:42 pm
by rdonnay
I think that Xb2Net is what you need.

You can use it to create both the server side and the client side programs.
You can look at the eXpress++ instant messenger system to see how this is done.

Of course, you can also do this with Xbase++ 2.0 (HttpEndPoint()).

\exp20\source\imclient\imclient.prg uses Xb2net.
\exp20\source\imclient\imclient20.prg uses HttpEndpoint().

\exp20\source\imserver\imserver.prg uses Xb2net.
\exp20\source\imserver\imserver20.prg uses HttpEndpoint().

Either server will also act as a web server.

Re: WEB interface

Posted: Fri May 20, 2016 9:31 pm
by c-tec
I have done this with XB2NET and SOAP with encryption. For example I have sent a SQL cursor object and also complete requests from SQLEXPRESS from one server to another, I have used var2bin() and bin2var(), works fine. You find the samples in XB2NET.

Re: WEB interface

Posted: Sun May 22, 2016 5:25 am
by Victorio
Roger, Rudolf, thank you for info, I will look your tips.

Re: WEB interface

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 5:19 am
by Victorio

I looked for HTTPENDPOINT, but this is only for Proffesional version , and I have Foundation...

Re: WEB interface

Posted: Sun May 29, 2016 6:02 am
by rdonnay
I looked for HTTPENDPOINT, but this is only for Proffesional version , and I have Foundation...
Sorry, but it looks like you will need to spend some money to do web stuff whether you choose xb2net or the Professional.