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Version 2.0 releases

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 9:38 am
by reganc
Now that Xbase++ 2.0 is generally available, is anybody using it to build their applications for release to their main customer base at present?

I see a lot of posts from people using 2.0 to test CXP, for instance.

But I can't recall anyone saying that they now supply their main application to their customers built with 2.0.

We want to start building and releasing our app using 2.0 and want to make sure it is ready for that.

Also, we do not necessarily want to use the Workbench (at present, maybe we will later). So is anyone actually using 2.0 from a command line without it?

Re: Version 2.0 releases

Posted: Fri May 15, 2015 10:43 am
by rdonnay
I know of 3 customer apps that have been deployed using 2.0.

None of these guys use the workbench.
They all work the way they did with 1.9.

I have several small apps that use 2.0 too, including 3 websites.

Re: Version 2.0 releases

Posted: Sat May 16, 2015 6:27 pm
by sdenjupol148
Hey Regan,

The Medallion NYC project has been running under 2.0 for 3 months now.
That includes the server support software as well.

I haven't converted any of my other projects yet but I'll eventually get around to it.
As for the workbench, I do not use it but I would like to in the near future..
For now I am running everything from the command line.


Re: Version 2.0 releases

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 8:52 am
by reganc
Thanks guys

I have been asked to switch my development to v2.0 for all my future work and to allow me to test our app running under 2.0.

One of the major issues that I had so far is to do with browse row heights. They fixed a bug that meant 1.9 was not setting them correctly. And now some of the row height sizing we have done became broken. A major PITA.

The other thing is having to update older libraries, which is fine if you happen to have the source. Unfortunately, a few of the libs we use were supplied pre-built using 1.9. For instance, we've had to move from using aSocks/Catalyst for HTTP and FTP work simply because we could not be supplied with a 2.0 version.

Anyway, I'm past most of the problems. Any others I find will be posted as separate threads...

Re: Version 2.0 releases

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 10:24 am
by rdonnay
The other thing is having to update older libraries, which is fine if you happen to have the source. Unfortunately, a few of the libs we use were supplied pre-built using 1.9.
I have always suggested to my customers that they refrain from using 3rd party libraries that do not make the source available, whenever possible. Developers who will not give the source can usually not be trusted to support the product.
That has been my experience for many years.

Re: Version 2.0 releases

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 3:03 am
by reganc
rdonnay wrote:
The other thing is having to update older libraries, which is fine if you happen to have the source. Unfortunately, a few of the libs we use were supplied pre-built using 1.9.
I have always suggested to my customers that they refrain from using 3rd party libraries that do not make the source available, whenever possible. Developers who will not give the source can usually not be trusted to support the product.
That has been my experience for many years.
I wholly agree. But then that's easy for me to say as it was not my decision at the time... :-)